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Winnie sat in her car the following morning, outside of the school while leafing through her drawings from the night Gerard had visited her. She ran a thumb along her bottom lip, not noticing the blue Jeep pull up next to her.

Only one image bothered her, it enough to cause her to stare at it for five minutes straight.

Winnie jumped slightly at the knock on her window, looking over to find Scott outside the door with his backpack over his shoulder. She shut her sketchbook, slipping it into her bag. Climbing out of the car, she put a thin envelope in as well, greeting Scott and Stiles.

"It's a secret show," Stiles told Scott as he met both him and Winnie in front of the Jeep. "There's only one way and it's a secret."

"Rave tickets?" Winnie asked as she and the boys started to head towards the school. "I-"


The three looked over their shoulders, turning as they found Matt walking up to them.

"Any of you guys know why no one's getting suspended after what happened the other day at school?" he asked the trio.

"Just forget about it," Stiles told him. "Nobody got hurt."

Matt gave Stiles a look, "I had a concussion."

"Well, nobody get seriously hurt," Stiles said condescendingly.

"I was in the ER for six hours," expressed the photographer with annoyance.

"Hey," snapped Stiles," do you want to know the truth, Matt? Your little bump on the head is about this high," he leaned down and practically on the ground, "on our list of problems right now."

Winnie sighed even though she found Stiles' demonstration funny. "Are you okay?" she asked Matt sincerely.

"Yeah, I'm fine now," he replied. "So," he looked to Scott, "you didn't get any tickets last night either?"

Scott lightly shook his head, "Are they still selling?"

"No, but i managed to find two online," said Matt in response. "You should keep trying. Sounds like everyone's going to be there."

Staring annoyedly as Matt left smugly, both Winnie and Stiles said, "I don't like him."

Stiles glanced to Winnie for a moment before looking to Scott as he started to walk away. "Hey, are you sure about this?"

Scott hesitated, absently holding the straps of his backpack. "Last time, whoever's controlling Jackson had to kill somebody because he didn't finish the job, so what do you think he's going to do this time?"

Stiles let got of a sigh, knowing Scott was right. "Be there to make sure it happens."

Winnie huffed, starting to head towards the main doors of the school. "Super."

¥ ¥ ¥

In the locker rooms after pre-class lacrosse, both Scott and Stiles were scrounging for tickets. Mid attempt to get Danny to help, Coach Finstock burst into the locker room from his office.

"Can anybody tell me where the hell Jackson is and why he missed morning practice?"

Stiles' eyes flickered to Scott, keeping his voice low. "I thought I told you to keep an eye on him."

"Stilinski!" yelled Coach as he heard Stiles' voice. "Jackson?"

"Sorry, Coach," said Stiles on the spot, "I haven't seen him since the last time I saw him."

Already irritated, Coach asked, "Oh, and when was that?"

"Last time I saw him...was definitely the time I saw him last." He lightly closed his eyes, knowing it was the absolute worst excuse he could've pulled out of his ass.

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