twenty-one pilots

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    "Next left."

Winnie sat in the front of Roscoe, Stiles driving under her direction as Scott sat in the back holding Erica.

Stiles listened to Winnie's order, gaining on the location of the substation. "How do you know where to go?"

"It's a long story," Winnie remarked as she pointed. "Here, it's here."

Stiles sharply turned in, parking his Jeep quickly and climbing out.

Winnie held open the back door, helping Scott get out with Erica. Once the wolves were out, she darted to the door to the station. Pulling it open, she leaned in as Stiles propped open the door for Scott and Erica. "Derek!"

The alpha surfaced, his face confused at the concern in her voice. Isaac shot up from the couch, surprised by her return.

"It's Erica," Winnie told him as she stood a level above him.

Scott came through the door cradling Erica. He followed Winnie down the stairs, Derek meeting them.

"Give her to me," Derek ordered as he held out his arms. "Let's get her to the train car."

Scott and Stiles quickly followed, helping him with Erica's recovery.

Winnie hung back, still out of it. She ran the sleeve of her sweater along her forehead, the fabric already stained with blood.

Isaac looked at her strangely, "What the hell happened? You were gone for an hour." He reached out to touch her head but she swatted him away.

"A lot can happen in an hour, apparently." Winnie still felt off her game, black tingeing in the corners of her vision.

"Does this have anything to do with the sketch of Jackson you left?" asked Isaac with concern.

"More or less," she replied as she grabbed the stairs' handrail for support. "The library's in pieces," Winnie told him. "They were all in detention - that's where I went from here - and then Jackson, he...turned, sort of." She blinked heavily, trying to rid the twinkling in the back of her eyes.

Winnie jumped, Erica emitting an ear piercing scream.

Isaac reached out, steadying her. "What does 'sort of' mean, Win?"

"He wasn't fully the kanima, but he also wasn't really Jackson." Winnie let Isaac hang onto her arm, unable to rest her back anywhere due to the pain that pinched her back.

"Did he hurt you?"

"Oh, don't sound so concerned," Winnie halfly said as the stars in her eyes slowly started to fade.

"Hey, come on. I am concerned." Isaac, in not so many words, was honestly more worried about the slightly battered Winnie than he was of Erica. "You're bleeding."

"He just pushed me," she said with a soft shrug. "I hit a bookshelf - it's really not that bad."

Isaac's eyebrows furrowed, feeling skin where her sleeve should've been. He didn't let her shy away, looking closer. "He ripped your sleeve-"

Winnie covered his mouth, the train car too silent, "Please don't say anything," she softly asked.

Isaac, quiet as Winnie moved her hand, moved the cut sleeve patch, able to see angry red streaks on her bare bicep. In the light, he could see the slight gleam of venom.

Venom that should've paralyzed her.

"You're immune," Isaac whispered.

Derek emerged from the train car, his fingers stained with Erica's blood. He barely regarded Winnie and Isaac, walking across the room.

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