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    Winnie pulled up behind her father's car, every bone in her body going against it. Although she put the gear into park, she didn't get out.

A moment later, Aaron rapped a knuckle on her window.

Instead of removing herself, she rolled down the glass. "I don't want to do this."

"I know, but you need to." Mr. Jones, carrying a hardback briefcase, spoke to his daughter with a firm tone but clear compassion. "They only want you there as more a scout than anything."

"Then why am I here? I don't want to look like a villain to Allison."

Aaron gave his daughter a look, "Villain is a bit much, don't you think?"

Winnie glared back at Aaron, "Whose side are you on?"

"Your side, Win. I'm always on your side." Mr. Jones made a motion towards himself, "Come on and we'll go in."

Winnie rolled up her window, surprising her father by shutting off her car and climbing out instead of driving off. In a black crop top, a red skirt and thigh high black stockings, she looked irritated. Holding her keys, she absently tapped the toe of her black heeled boots. "I feel like I'm playing some sort of game."

"You are," replied Aaron as he put a hand on Winnie's shoulder. "And you have to play. There's no choice."

Winnie bit the inside of her cheek, her matte red lips softly pursed. "What's the prize? What do I get out of this? For acting against my friends?"

"Your life, honey. That's what." Aaron kissed Winnie's forehead. "I know I haven't done enough for you. So let me do this." He held out the briefcase to her, "This is your cover. It'll give them a reason to believe you. I need to know you'll be safe."

Winnie took the handle from him, her ring clicking against it as she took its weight. She looked up to her father, "I don't think I can do this."

Aaron out a hand on each of her shoulders, "I know you can. Do you remember everything I taught you?"

Softly, Winnie nodded.

"That's my girl," said Mr. Jones. "Be brave for me, okay? It's all about presentation. Believe it and they will too."

Winnie took in a deep breath, looking up to find the side door to the house propped open by a large man in brown leather. She let a placid expression take over, confidence in her step as she approached the way to the basement.

All eyes turned to Winnie as she took a small staircase into the basement, hunters and weapons galore. She, no less, looked like a force to be reckoned with.

"Evening, gentlemen." Winnie barely glanced to Allison, catching her horrified expression for only a minute.

Chris smiled discretely, motioning towards the metal table in the middle of the room. "Glad you can join us."

Mr. Jones followed down the stairs, staying to the side with a cigarette behind his ear.

Winnie set the briefcase on the table, undoing the latches to reveal a small array of handguns. She removed a dark model, it looking so natural in her manicured hands. "FN Five-Seven. It's a semi-auto good for long and short range. 5.7 by 28 caliber with a 4.8 inch barrel Polymer grips with an adjustable 2 dot grip."

Chris leaned his palms on the table, watching Winnie. "Action?"

Winnie set down the gun on its side in front of Argent. "Striker fired." She held a discrete smirk, able to see the look on Chris' face. Bringing out a matte black gun, she held it up. "HL45 Tactical. .45 caliber with a 5.11 inch barrel. Double and single action; 10 clip plus 1. Tritium three dot sight."

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