part 13

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Our cars pulled into the VIP parking area like a motorcade. I could already see there were tons of paparazzi. I was annoyed. What was the point of having private parking if they were going to allow photographers in? I quickly pulled out my phone and dialed my park contact. We were told to wait inside the vehicles and they would try to clear the lot. 

            “You’re brilliant, you get them all to do exactly what you want!” Harry commented.

            “You say that like you’re surprised.” I teased. “Besides, Its my job to make sure everything runs smoothly.”

            “And here I thought your job was to keep your clients happy.” Harry said jokingly and pulled me to his lap. He tapped his finger on my nose and said in a silly voice, “You miss, know exactly how to make me happy!”

            I laughed and kissed Harry’s lips sweetly. I snuggled into his chest and breathed in the familiar scent of his cologne. The minutes passed and I sat in his arms thinking about all the memories we already shared and then my thoughts drifted to all the new memories we were going to make on this tour. I was incredibly lucky to have this job and I now had to work twice as hard to keep it. Juggling the personal and the professional wasn’t going to be easy but Harry felt like home to me, and that was worth the extra work.

            My phone rang and it was the park’s media representative calling to apologize for the delay and tell us we could now safely enter the park. I peered out the window and the crowd had in fact seriously dwindled. Everyone piled out of the cars quickly and I handed them each the lanyards that Disney had provided.

            “These will get you on to any ride through the VIP entrance. No lines and you can stay on the rides as many times as you want. Also the barcode on the back can be scanned at any park restaurant or store, the purchases will be added to our tab.” I made sure they all had my cell number incase we got separated. We all planned to meet up at 6 for dinner; I guess my dinner with Louis and Harry would have to wait.  As we walked up to the gates, a few of the remaining paparazzi darted out to snap photos.

            “Louis! Louis! Can we get a shot of you with your girlfriend?!”

            Louis and I glanced at each other and he passed by the others and came over to me.  He slung his arm over my shoulders and said softly “here we go girlfriend”.  The other boys looked confused, Harry was really the only one who knew what was going on. I desperately wanted to explain, but not in front of the cameras. Louis and I smiled for several shots as we all walked through the gates.  Louis kissed me gently on the cheek as the last of the flashes went off. I reached up and squeezed his hand with mine and pulled his arm off my shoulders so we could just walk hand in hand. Harry walked several steps behind us staring intently at my fingers intertwined in Louis’. Each time I glanced back it looked like Harry was a new kind of annoyed. I knew him better than to think he was mad, but I couldn’t help but feel awful for parading around the park with Louis like I loved him, especially considering the awkward place our little triangle was in. 

            But of course Louis had no idea that anything had changed, so it was not surprising that he continued to be sweet to me. He played with my hair while we posed for pictures with fans. I couldn’t believe that some of them even knew my name! How was that even possible and why would they be the least bit interested in me? I looked at Louis, confused by his fan’s reactions to our couple status.  He winked at me and said, “They absolutely love you!” Louis continued being his affectionate and charming self all morning and I sensed my feelings for him growing. Even though I was fighting it, my body was completely betraying me! As we walked away from the last group of fans Louis kissed me again. I could feel it in my toes when his lips brushed mine. This kiss wasn’t for show it was just for me. My stomach started to tingle as he left small kisses down the side of my face to my neck.  I was falling recklessly into this moment when a hand grabbed mine. I looked to my right to see Harry staring down at me. I tried to pull away from Louis but he wouldn’t let me go.

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