Chapter 3

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Rose's POV
    Ugh. It's morning already. Too early for school.
   " Rose! Get down here immediately!"
   What did I do this time? I swear I didn't get in a fight or anything. Geez...
    I decided to just grab my gray sweater and head down. I don't give a damn about my shorts.
    "You called?"
    Her face was agitated and was itchy to yell at me. I really don't know what I did.
   "Why the hell did you do to your dad?!
   Crashed out on the couch was 'dad'. Did she think I made him drunk? Obviously not! I haven't been home until almost midnight yesterday! 'Dad' comes home early in the morning! Outrage and anger rushed through me, flooding my brain. Sadly, all I managed to get out is-
    I am at the point where I am so angered that I have the calm psychotic anger tone. I am done. I am done with being a daughter of a stuck up mother that blames everything on her daughter. I am done being the daughter of a person who doesn't have the time to actually socialize with their daughter. I'm done.

Takuto's POV
    The meals here are plain. I don't like them. I want some real food now.
    "You called?"
    The nurse got here quickly after I just pressed the button.
     "Can I have some candy?"
     Chuckling out loud, she just shook her head from side to side.
      "Of course you can have some, after you are all healed."
    I feel disappointed. At least I tried.
    "May I borrow a pen and notepad?"
    "Now that, I can help with."
    She handed me a black pen and notepad from a nearby table. Saying that I'm in a cast and barely being able to move on my own, this is quite relaxing having someone else do things for you. Luckily I can move my arms and hands, as well as my head.
    Then I started to draw.
    "What's that I see on your notepad Takuto?"
   The same brunette haired nurse from before enters my room with some broth and jello.
     "A drawing."
     Instead of leaving the food for me and then leaving, she pulled a chair from a nearby table and sat down next to me.
    "Well, it certainly looks more than just a drawing. I can tell you put many details into it, even if you're just using a pen and cheap paper."
   She looked at the drawing with fascination as if she has never seen it anything like this before.
    "It's a drawing of a friend I made at school."
    Then I saw a light flicker in her eyes.
    "Oh! I remember now. I saw that girl while I was out to get you to the hospital. I thought she was just some annoying girl who wanted to know what was going on, but I guess you guys knew each other. I didn't realize what a nice girl she was."
   I looked at my sketch of her on my notepad. Hmmm. I think I'll give her some bubblegum as a gift the next time I see her.

Rose's POV
   I swear. If mom ever does anything like that again, I'll leave that house for good. Why was 'dad' even on the couch like that? Well truth be told, I didn't really pay attention to what he was doing when I got home last night. Besides the fact that he asked me to drink with him. Ew. Still can't get that image out of my mind.
   It's already 7:48 in the morning. Should hurry to school and then visit Takuto on the way home. I hope he's feeling better than before...
"Hey little  Mrs. Takuto's future wife, he is dead yet?"
   "Yeah, I heard he got pretty injured."
   These guys have some nerve. This isn't hard to figure out. I bet these guys are like the schools best athlete jocks who enjoy picking on others; Takuto must be one of them.
    As the continue to follow me to the hospital, my pace became more brisk.
   "You know, you don't have to date that loser. You're cute so I'll let you slide. I mean, you got the purfect body shape and..."
   Before I had time to comprehend what was going on, I heard a few punches go off and then silence.
   "Well sweetie, you should be more careful. Those guys should've known this was coming."
   Smiling as he came closer to me, he swung one of his arms around me. Not like a daughter and father relationship, but a couple relationship.

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