Chapter 7

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Takuto's POV

    Just one more day of suffering. Then I can be released.  The aroma of the food smelled so good. She brought me some McDonald's for breakfast. Three pancakes with eggs on the side and orange juice.

   The reality of my relationship caved in on me a while back. No one enjoyed being around me. Students pass by me with the stink eye or they sometimes forget that I'm there.

*** ( 1 year ago)

   "Kitsune Takamura?"


   Takuto- ah forget it, that kid isn't even here for the most part."

   I see. I guess even the adults in my lives ignore me too.


Trapped in a room with eyes gleaming at me, I hurriedly fall into a napping position on the desk. I'm tired. I really can't care anymore about what others think about me. I know that positive people always say that there's a person out there waiting for you to come along and meet. Mines hasn't come yet. Maybe they will never come.

Rose's POV

Cram time. Exams are in 5 minutes. Last minute studying is a good way to ensure I know everything I need to know. The math test shouldn't be that hard. Japan's basis for math and arthritic is a bit deeper  than America's so it should be an easy test. I'm just worried about the English and writing test. It's unjust. I hurriedly moved here so hurriedly. I shouldn't be having to take this test. name was announced over the speakers.


   "Please remember to bring your lunch with you the next time you come to school. You are responsible for you own things as well your own well being. We are trying to build you young teenagers into strong and powerful young adults."

   Handing me my sack of lunch, Mike shook the principal's dry cracky skin before fully standing up. The office wasn't so neat. It was fairly messy with papers everywhere and other teachers rushing in and out to take needed essentials. My home room teacher came out with a box. Her hand was covering the label and title of it. I can still see enough of the word to understand what it was and why she was blocking it's view from everyone. Tampax. 

    "Would you care to escort your father out of the campus? I will tell your next period teacher that you're excused."

    Great. I feel wonderful. Plastering a metal smile on my face, I leaped from the chair and hurriedly shuffled down the hallways with my indoor slippers. If only America had this, it would've been great. A warmth spreaded through my left shoulder. Oh god. Please no...

" Hey. I need to tell you something."

   Dad always said that when something serious came up. I'm not letting him take that from my real father. He doesn't deserve anything. The sick Mike deserves to get arrested and be in prison.  As if on cue, his slimy grasp tightened around the joint in my shoulder. I didn't dare turn back, not wanting to face the monster that took form of a human. His stench of sweat already got me worked up. My adrenaline began to kick in. Just wait...

" I'm really sorry for what I did to you the last time I helped escape from those thugs."

    So close. Just a bit more and then I can kick-wait, what? Did he just apologize? There's no way this delusional being can apologized for something like this and get away with it. That was sexual harassment!  Oh god, Jesus help me!

   Tugging my school dress shirt, he pulled me into a hug. We're in the middle of the hallway! What happens if someone's sees us? I don't want this! Get away from me you sicko!

"Don't move. If you do, it'll be the last time you'll see your mother," he whispered into my ear.

   Dropping my arms to my side, I feel hopeless. Not only will I be ruined because of how my relationship with the horny guy turns out, mother could end up in a grave. I don't want that. I don't want any of this. Why is this happening to me? Please just leave me alone already! I'm already suffering. Didn't I get enough punishment?

   "Hmph. I've finally captured you attention. Look here sweetie. I've been keeping tabs on you for a while. You're probably wondering why I married your mother right? It wasn't out of love. I needed her to trust me so I can get closer to you. You're the perfect human being. Pure. Innocent. Honest. Strong. You would make a great piece to add to my collection."

   Collection? What collection? Dread began to drip down my face. My eyes widened so much that they were beginning to become painful. I can't show this man my weakness. I just can't. I was right either way. He was a sick Hamm being. Whatever type of collection he kept, I want no part of it.

   Letting me finally breathe and escape from his grasp, he walked passed me. I'm still standing there, root to the spot. I can't do anything now. I'm a puppet playing in his hands. I can't go back to the type of person I was before. My mom's life is in danger, and so is mines.

   Takuto's POV (5 years ago)

   "Are you okay Takuto?"

   Who would be okay after they found out that their mother was raped to death? I couldn't believe it when I first heard of the news either.  I mean, sure, she had been acting weird for a few months. It could've been the women's monthly cycle. Who'd knew? I would find that bastard someday and murder him at some point before he gets to die a peaceful death.

Drip drip drip drop. The rain began to sprinkle the field. A tsunami might come. Come and take me away with you. I have nothing left in this world.

Today was the day I lost my last guardian. I am shattered.

Song: Only One (nightcore version)

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