Chapter 6

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Rose's POV
The misty morning fog stitched itself to the sky, covering the glorious sun. Another boring day of school obviously. Study. Study. Study. Unlike the United States, school lasts quite a few hours longer. We go to school early and we exit the doors of school late in the day. For me, I personally prefer to 'fly', out of the school with my arms spread as if I can magically turn myself into a bird at any moment.

   The only pleasure in the world today consists of music and friends. How is Takuto holding up? I bet he's still hungry for something else to eat besides the oh-so-marvelous hospital food. I'll make a quick stop near a store to buy some donut holes for him.
Beep!Beep! Beep!

"Shut up!"

    Slamming my hands down on the alarm, I hurriedly get dressed for school. The outfit is a plain dress shirt with a navy blue knee low skirt and school pants if it was cold. The shoes were also school shoes and the backpack had to fit with the school rules. I hate rules.

Takuto's POV

   Violin sonata No. 9 composed by Kreutzer  for the First Movement. A good balance of a light melody and an addictive rhythm. Paired with a piano, the delicate noises turn to a lovely work of art.
   I'm hungry.

Rose's POV

I regret coming here so late. There's a line made up of students. If I come any closer, the crowd may end up swallowing me whole. Ah, the joys of being young and attending school.

Takuto's POV

Thump! She placed dropped the bag onto my bed. I stared at it.


"You're welcome."

"I have to dash now. I'll see you after school ends okay?"

Her eyes are clouded with worry. Did she rush here? Her clothes seems to be ruffled up a bit, along with some hair strands sticking up in wonky places. I should say thank you, but there's food in front of me right now...

    Thinking to myself for about a minute, I look up to see Rose  is still standing here, curiously looking at me as if I was an alien.

"S-sorry. Bye."

She looks so flushed. I wonder why. Maybe she was tired from running.


It alway seems that the quietness is the main topic of how our conversations start out like.
Maybe I should start the conversation this time. It seems more polite,but then isn't it the number one rule that women should go first? Wait, doesn't that only apply to kind gestures when you go out with girls? I'm conflicted.

"Um... "

Hm? Turning white as a ghost, I notice that her knuckles tightly clutch a notebook.


"O-oh. Sorry if it was distracting you. I'll put it away."

"Do you need help?"

I'm stunned at myself. I think this is  the first time ever in a while that I said a four word sentence to Rose.

"I think I'm good so-"

"How you do spell camera in katana?"

Rose's POV

The day turned orange. It was a sign for me to go back home before the night took over. I heard that robbers and perverts sneak out at this time in this district. It seems unlikely that anyone would be drugged or rape because the sun is still fairly visible.
A cold chill snaked down my spine. I feel myself tensing up. It was him. His face smashed itself in my mind. My 'father's', face. I can't stand it. I can't stand to go back to such a horrid and wreck of a place. It makes me sick. A vile man in disguise. He pulled the wool over my mom's eyes so easily. No matter how disgusting he is, mom has to find out for herself about the truth. The wolf in sheep's clothing is too dangerous. Suddenly, a warmth was placed into my forehead.

"You're not sick."

Giving me the slightest hint of worry, his expression softened. He cocked his head to a side while looking my face as if I had warts growing on it.

"It's nothing. It's just the schoolwork. I'll be heading back now. Thanks for helping me today."

He didn't fall for it. Years of taking drama and I still can master the art of lying. I suck. At least I have to find a way to avoid the situation. Dragging him into my problem can only flood him with more anxiety. I should be the one tending to him, not the other way around. I'll just make myself more easy going. Come one girl! Put on your acting face! Do it do it do it!

Stopping at the door frame of the clean hospital room, I asked him if he wants any type of food tomorrow. Surprisingly, he shook his head and gave me a sad smile.

Don't pity me. I should be the one doing that for you.


The sun is almost fully gone. Only a hint of the somber blue sky remains, as I quietly tread back 'home'.

Is he home? It's 7 already. He's either watching a movie in the living room or working overtime. Let's not take any chances here. Never know what a bastard like him can do. I don't even want to imagine how he swindled my mother into thinking that he actually loves her. Sicko. All he wants is sex. Not if I'm around to stop him!

Gently closing the front door that I've oiled the other day, I entered the house. Placing my shoes in my normal show slot, I begin to lay out my plan. Okay, just past the living room and then you're free to roam up the stairs. Don't think about it. Just do it. Yeah! I got this!

And... There goes the antique pot on the lamp stand.

"Who's there?"


His figure loomed at the kitchen doorway. Holding a spatula in hand and a frying pan in the other, he looked around the room until his eyes finally landed on guess who? No one. Yeah right. Me.

"Come on in. I just made dinner. Mom's not home yet and she texted saying she's working overtime. Let's eat together then. I made omelettes!"

He sounded so happy. Two face. If he wants to play his game, then so be it. Only one condition.

I make the rules.

Piece: Violin sonata No. 9 First Movement
Composer: Kreutzer
Played by: (anime) Your Lie in April

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