Chapter 4

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Takuto's POV (a week later)
"It looks like you're doing better now Takuto."
"I am."
As I talked, I looked outside the window. There were children from the hospital playing on the front yard. Though some had bandages wrapped around their heads, or even more severe injuries, they still smiled. I wish I could be like them... Too bad I can't.

Rose's POV
"Hey sweetie, come a bit closer to me now, k?"
Pulling me by a rope tied around my hands, I struggle to yell. Having a duct taped to your mouth wasn't at all enjoyable. Being held hostage and tied up like a traitor trespassing into territorial land is what I feel now. The pain and prickles of the rough rope that sink into my skin. I begin to cry.
"Hey hey, don't cry, okay? Papa's here."
I can't stand anyone men like him. They're all ignorant the and think that they can do whatever they want, anytime they want. Even if I can't escape, I'll keep trying. I won't give up to a man this savage and brutal. Why did my mom even meet him in the first place? Did he show her a false side of him? I don't know, but I have to escape. Not later, but now. Now. NOW.
Brushing my tears away gently, his disgusting perverted fingers slide down to my breast. Then his lips comes closer and closer, until.....
I can feel his lips crawling down my neck . Then....
Gasp! My alarm clock rang 7:30 A.M. Oh shoot! I'm not gonna make it to school if I don't get ready quick! Jumping and lurching my body off of the bed, I run around the house preparing for the morning. Then He had to show up.
"Hey kid, how's your morning? Need a ride?"
I quietly hissed a "no thanks", as I passed him, making my way towards the front door of our house. I can't believe he would touch me like I'm his girlfriend last week. Since then, I've been getting more nightmares and issues in school. My grades are really reflecting on that. I really need a ride to school, but I'll never be going anywhere with him alone. Just thinking about it makes my mouth taste like a pile of dirt was shoved into my mouth. Disgusting.
"Hey missy, got any money?"
   "Of course she does, now stop asking around for money homeless kids."
   Kat, my best friend, always has my back. On the days where she's not at school, she text me after school to make sure I didn't die or anything yet. Trust me, when I say she texts me, she texts me tons of questions. From how I was doing to other unrelated topics like who I like or who I dislike.
   Pulling me by the hand, she pushed past the crowd until we came to a quiet place under the stairs of the school.
   "Look, I know that you like sticking up for people, but don't you think you're getting a little too involved with this boy Takuto?"
   I really don't  know how I feel about him. Since I was little, I've always been a person who takes interests in others health and well being. I never really thought about it Kat's way.
   "Truth be told Kat, the only reason why I'm doing this is because I really care about people and their well being. It's not like I can develop feelings for someone so quickly. You're just jumping to conclusions. "
   I didn't want to listen to another word of her yammering so I stuffed a pocky stick into her mouth.
   "Now no more talking. Talking while eating can lead to choking, and choking can possibly kill you."
   She gave me the "seriously?" eyes and we both giggled. For the first time in a while, I haven't been able to worry about the boy or my dad that much as I have been. Right now, I feel like I'm enjoying life a lot more better.

Takuto's POV
   The cheap notepad here is already used to its fullest. I ripped out tons of paper of drawings that I didn't like that much, which turned out to be about 20-30 sheets. In this hospital room, it's calm. Too calm, there's no joy, no laughter, no music, no nothing. How can a true artist get inspired in a place like this? No one can. Suddenly someone handed me a brand new drawing book.
   "Hello Takuto. It's good to see you again."
  It was her. The girl who saved me.
   "I-Is there something on my face?"
   Her cheeks now flowed with color and life. It was cute. This room isn't empty anymore, the moment she walked in here, everything seemed to come to life. The flower boutique shined brightly in the room as well.
   "I thought you might want something to do here. Sorry I couldn't bring one to you earlier."
   I looked at the drawing book in my lap. It was big and spacious enough to put tons of drawings and doodles into.
    "Huh? Oh...sorry, I forgot about that. I'll bring you one next time, Kay?"
    Her voice was innocent. Not too innocent like other Japanese girls, but something about her just makes her stands out from the rest of her piers. Today, she was wearing denim overalls and some black converse shoes. Her hair was braided on one side and she barely had any make up on. I like her in this outfit. She didn't look like she outdone herself and she didn't look like random pieces of the puzzles put together either.
   "Oh, it's Rose. There's probably nothing In here to draw. Want me to buy you something?"
    I thought about it. I actually don't need a model. She can be my model, but what I really want right now is...
"A watermelon, a Dr. Pepper, and a some kitkats."
   At first, her face twisted itself into a question mark. It gradually melted into a warm smile filled with joyous laughter. Her laughter was small, but not quiet. It wasn't deep, but it wasn't high either. It was pitch perfect.
"I'm not sure you should be eating so much sweets and food, but I'll see what I can find for you."
   And with that, she stood up and left.
Rose's POV
"I'm back-"
   As if he was staring at the door for the entire time I left until now, he's still looking at me in the door.
  I carefully placed the contents onto a nearby table next to his bed. I wonder if he'll like them?
He quickly whispered thanks before ripping apart the packaging to find his prizes. He reminds me of a little boy opening his presents on Christmas. It was him that was innocent and pure. If I could, I would already express how he is in words, but I can't think of how to do that.
   As if he struck gold, his eyes shone like polished diamonds.
   "Dango. Fish sticks. Banana milk. Pretz. Yam Yam, and Pocky."
   I'll take his shining diamonds as a "I love all of it". Then I watch him choose from his many selections of sweets and snacks.

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