Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to Emily Smith (My penpal) xx

Harry’s POV

I had been arguing with myself for the past ten minutes if I should go check on Emily. What if she needed me? Today was a crazy day. She might need someone to comfort her. Plus, this couch hurts my back. I rolled over on my side, and faced the window. The stars were gone tonight. The sky is pitch black. My thoughts jumbled together as the minutes dragged on. I slowly stood up from the brown leather couch, and stretched back. While rustling my curls I yawned. Hopefully she wouldn’t mind if I checked on her. I walked down the dimly lit hallway to my bedroom door. I lightly knocked, but she didn’t answer. Maybe she was asleep by now. I turned the knob, and stepped into the room. I noticed a lump in the sheets. Good, she fell asleep. I went over to her side, and climbed into the mound with her. I reached my arms around the mass of blankets, but my arms did not feel anything solid. I started tearing the sheets apart. She wasn’t in the bed. Maybe she left, but why would she leave I promised to protect her. I sat up on the bed, and looked at the floor. Nope not down there. Maybe she is in the bathroom. I slid down from my bed,and crossed over to the bathroom. I nudged the door ajar. “Emily?” I said whispering softly. No answer... Hmm. I pushed the door open. My body went into shock. The red silk was everywhere. She looked like she was wearing a red silk dress. Her eyes were shut. “E..Emi...Emily?” Still no answer. I was frozen in horror and shock. Louis told me that she used to cut, but I didn’t know she still did. Someone would only do that if something tragic had happened or there life was a living Hell. What....if this is Louis’s fault? My head started spinning the world wrapping around me like a YoYo. My breaths grew rapidly and more panicked. I need to hold myself together to save her. She can’t leave me....I can’t leave her. I slowed down my breaths, and took a couple steps toward her... I was never good with blood. I needed someone’s help, and soon. “HELP! HELP ME!” I bent down over the la tina (bathtub)...(sorry wanted to put 2 years of learning spanish to use. I’m not going to use it anywhere else....sorry, continue your reading...) I pressed my fingers against her pale cold skin. She was still alive, barely, but still. I leaned over her soon-lifeless body, and grasped her arm that was spilling the silk over her. I held the wound tight with pressure to reduce or hopefully stop the bleeding. I heard crashing coming from a few doors down. There was a knock on my door. “ HURRY UP AND COME HELP ME!” Zayn burst through the bathroom door. “Why did you yell...Oh, umm... ok. Thanks to my hours on Tumblr I can help you. Ok, first go get...”


I was standing in a field full of summer flowers. This was the most peaceful place ever. The sun was the perfectly bright, and the temperature was perfect. Not too hot, but not cold enough for a jacket. The birds were chirping around me chasing each other, and playing tag. The tall flower/grass mixture was knee length. I walked among the field with the flowers brushing my legs. I could hear some voices though. Distant, but they were very familiar. They were panicked about something. Oh well, its probably nothing serious. The light from the sun starting dimming, and a sunset lay across the horizon. The light started getting brighter again, and the flowers started to disappear from under my feet. My eyes flickered open, and then shut. Man, my arm really hurt. Where was I, and what was I laying in? “Emily?” That was one of the voices from the field. Up close the voice seemed tense and worried. I opened my eyes fully this time, and they grew wider.

“What happened?” “It’s a long story, but the ambulance is on its way here. Do you remember anything from yesterday.” I was searching my memory. Looking through every storage folder.

“Well I was upset about something. Really upset. Something about... Louis...” Then it hit me, full force. Everything Louis had said, and done to me. “Yesterday is a day I would rather not remember if I have the choice. Can we change the subject?” “Yeah, was it really that bad? Was there that much pain that you had to do this?” I looked down sheepley. “Old habits, I guess.” I let out a weak laugh. “Now I remember why I stopped doing this.” He looked from my arm back to me. “So this isn't the first time it has happened?” “No, my life was pretty rough until my dad left.” “Where did he go?’’ “I don’t know and I don’t care.” I heard fast-paced footsteps coming from the hallway. “I think the paramedics are here now.” Harry leaned down and kissed my almost dead lips. “I’m not going to leave your side.” His face started to blur into a white mess. “H..arry? Where are you?” “Hold on Emily just a little longer. Don’t leave me.” Everything went into a black abyss.

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