Chapter Four: And Relax

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Hey guys! This is where the real story starts! I love this place in Portugal, so, enjoy :)

The sun beat down and Joe's music played out. The sky was almost completely blue, albeit one or two cirrus clouds. It was rather beautiful.

The six of us were now the only ones around the pool and Daniel was fast asleep on the sunbed next to me. I could hear him snoring over the sound of Drake that filled my ears.

A couple that had been there in the morning had gone for lunch, leaving the pool area pretty much vacant. The complex in general was quiet, which made a huge change from the usual hustle and bustle of our lives.

"I would make food," Paul began to announce, sitting up and wiping his forehead. He needed to put more sunscreen on; his shoulders were looking more than red. "But we've got shit all food except for some mints."

"Lizzie finished those off," I sighed and pulled my towel out from beneath me. "I'll go shopping. I could do with a walk."

"Daniel could do for a walk too. Otherwise he won't be able to move at all." Paul stood up and threw his bouncy ball at Ricciardo.

"Fuck off," he grumbled, kicking out his left leg. "I'm sleeping."

"I don't even wanna know how Saskia got you up this morning."

"That's for me to know," Daniel smirked and briefly opened his eyes, before closing them again. He was still grinning though.

"Ow! Get off of me, Joe! Put me down!" Sam screamed and then a loud splash came, followed by a second as Joe jumped into the pool. Water landed on Daniel and he stuck his finger up in appreciation. "What was that for?!"

"You were burning, Sam," Joe confirmed as Sam only spluttered.

"Only plausible solution!" Paul chipped in and Lizzie downed the wedding magazine she was reading.

"Says you!" she exclaimed, then chucking a bottle of Piz Buin at him. "You're the colour of a tomato."

"Guys...." Daniel wailed, turning over towards me. "Driver is sleeping."

"Lazy shit," I muttered. "I'm gonna walk to the shop, anyone going to come?" Promise I wasn't glaring at Daniel.

"I mean it!...okay, fine." Dan gave in, sat up, rubbed his eyes and then put on his favourite pair of shades. They were my favourite too. "On one condition, Paul lets me eat what the hell I want for the next forty-eight hours."

"Twenty-four," the fellow Australian shouted, stretching. I think he was getting ready to go for a swim. His goggles had made an appearance.


"Alright, agreed...but if they have to widen the fucking car...."

"Might make it faster," Sam shouted from the pool and then was submerged under the water as Joe grabbed his ankles.

"Is it possible to forget about being overtaken by a Sauber for just a couple of hours, please..."

"Sorry," Sam said seriously when his head popped up above the water. "Paul, chuck us your bouncy ball."

"Lizzie, bouncy ball please," Paul asked.

"Get it your fucking self," she replied, rolling her eyes. "You were the one who chucked it in the first place."

"It's like being on holiday with five years olds," Dan whispered to me with a mischievous glint in his eye. He'd woken up very quickly considering the Zs coming out of him moments ago. It must have been the talk of food.

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