Andy Lopez

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Andy Lopez's Information

Main Character

Nickname: Andy Lopez

Name:.... Doesn't want people to know. It's embarrassing sooo.... That information will stay classified.

Birthday: January 13

Gender: Female

Astrology Sign: Capricorn

Age: 17

Physical Features: Long dark brown hair and eyes,both almost black, medium-colored skin, 5'1 tall, petite figure ( I have curves though!!)

Favorite Color: Blue

Family Members: two younger half brothers, 2 and 4 years old ( I consider them real brothers, ain't nobody telling me otherwise!) A younger brother, 9 years old, and an older sister, 20 years old, and a step-father.

Languages: English, Spanish, a bit Korean and French, and I know Japanese, but less than French... That's saying something.

Dream Job: Pediatric Surgeon

Personality: She is very sarcastic, her sarcasm is so advanced some people actually think she is stupid. She is typically friendly, helpful, and nice, but if you do something that she dislikes she will give you the cold shoulder. She can make friends easily, but sometimes she can be a bit shy. People usually like her and her personality, that's how she gets many friends, she is relatable She is too stubborn, for this reason she doesn't like being wrong and tends to be competitive. She usually doesn't actually get angry, she just gets frustrated or irritated and sometimes stays quite so she won't say something she'll regret later, but when she gets mad..... Let's just say she makes hell seem like heaven and Satan seem like the sweetest angel. Though she tends to procrastinate, once she starts something it has to be perfect. And though she is good at sports, when she isn't playing a sport she is quite clumsy.

Best features: Loyal, ambitious, intelligent, good at sports, creative

Worst features: Bad case of procrastinating too much, sometimes to over-confident [shh don't tell her I told you this, she is only over confident because she has poor self esteem and tries not to show it], oblivious, too stubborn, sassy, clumsy

Weaknesses: Food, low battery on phone, guys that can sing and play an instrument

Fears: failure, not being good enough, being alone and forgotten, and mice and rats...

Likes: Food ( I'm obsessed with food), anything to do with the arts, watching anime, reading, listening to music, singing

Dislikes: slow internet,used as an arm rest (seriously not necessary), short jokes and people randomly picking her up saying how tiny she is ( *cough* Dest *cough*), cleaning, when people are two-faced, when people take her food without warning...

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