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(Two weeks later)


I could feel every scar on my body, especially the deepest ones and it hurt like hell. They said I could go home tomorrow, which was good. Except for the fact that there was no chance of me going to school, no matter how many times Will promised to stay at my side every second of every day.

It was my last day in the hospital when my mom came in to talk to me.

"I was thinking about what one of the doctors mentioned to me. They said you should consider therapy, which I know you have no intention of going, but I think you should at least think about it." She told me, almost in a whisper.

"Mom, there is no way I am going to therapy, but I was thinking about school. I don't want to ever go back there, therefore, maybe I should try cyber school. At least until I can accept what happened and move on." I said, hoping she would agree, which she did.

It was finally the day I was allowed to escape the smelly, germ infested hospital and go home to my safe bedroom to hide for all eternity. Will had gone home with his parents, but that was okay because I needed some space.

When I finally got home, my mom spoke to me for a while about how the whole situation had occurred. I told her about everything, from the letter to the attack, leaving out no small detail.

It wasn't until I was finished telling my story (did I mention my mom was an amazing listener) that she told me I could go up to my room and be alone.

Many people hate the silence and find it terrifying to be alone, not having another life force around to show them that everything was existent.

Many people are scared of being alone, with only their thoughts to surround them, getting lost in them as they drown out the world, leaving them with nothing but terrifying thoughts.

I liked the silence, it was peaceful and relaxing. I could calm down and rationally think out my problems.

I liked being alone, I found my thoughts comforting and real. I don't like being around other people, probably because of my anxiety.

That night, though, I did not like being alone.

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