Gift To: This is a gift to all you; KevEdd fans!, KevR!EddKev fans, NatKevNat fans, NazMar fans
Dedicated To: Saltymarshmallows aka Salty, C2ndy2c1d aka Acid, Asphyxion aka Asphy, Everyonewantsthedthedoubled aka D&DD
Special thanks to:
Salty for inspiring me and keeping on encouraging me to continue.
Asphy & Acid for allowing me to use their wonderful characters as well as encourage me to start.
My Lovely Risa for sticking through my grumbling, rants and requests to look over things to explain my mistakes & praise my strengths.
Lastly, Jack Cline my best friend for finding the wonderful preface song & help edit.
Main Characters: Kevin Barr, Eddward Double D Rockwell, Jim Barr,Nathan Kedd Goldberg
Side Characters: Nazz, r!Plank Terwood, r!Marie Kanker, Eddy
Character Mentions: Mother&Father De Vere (D's Birthparents), Gustave Eiffel (D's Mother's Boyfriend), Momma&Father Terwood (D's Foster Parents), Sarah, Jimmy, Johnny, Ed
Past Mentions, for Plot: Roxy Spark (Jim's Birthmom), Dad & Mom Barr (Kev's Parents), Jasmine Dakota (Journalist covering D's past), Ai (911 Operator),
Main Pairings: Kevr!EddKev
Side Pairing Hints/Mentions: KevRox, NatKev, NazMar, Plank x r!Edd
Rating: The story's content is considered "adult", you little people have been warned!
To Be Expected: Drug Use/Talk, Wild Party, Rehab, Child Abuse, Child Molestation, Teen Pregnancy, Kevin as a daddy
Genre: Non-Teen Fiction, Non-fiction, Shounen-ai, Drama, Romance, Hurt & Comfort, Crime, Family
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters;
Double D, Kevin, Nazz, Kev&D's parents are Eene's,
R!Eddward, R!Plank & R!Marie are Asphy's
Nat, Ai & Jim are Acid's.
Except for; Roxy, Jasmine D, Gustave E, Random people in chapter's with no names, Terwood Parents are Mine (The-Sweetest-things)
-I make no money from this story; I'm just creating these stories to entertain myself and (hopefully) y'all.
Things To Know: Like Saltymarshmallows for 'Guardian Angel', I'll explain things in the story at the very end. Some of these scene are in fact true stories; from either my past or people who I have hung out with in the past. There have been some Anon that have asked about the Child molestation and if it will be something big in the story. NO, it won't be. So please don't worry, that's not the point of this story. In chapter five there is mention of it in newspaper clippings Kevin receives from Eddy in an envelope, but that's it.
(Preface Song; 'Second Chance'- Shinedown)
"When a chance first blooms it is often concentrated pure luck and are notorious for fizzling out, derailing after their timer has run out."
The existence of what was about to have a play in my life had started long before I was born. However, the origin of new feelings I was bombarded with was thanks to a not so ordinary day in our lovely cul-de-sac when we received an unwelcomed guest only known as Eddy's big brother. After that day, we had somehow all been brought closer in some way or form. It just-so-happened my bond with my new change was with none other than my childhood tormentor Kevin Barr, the cool kid on the block.

'Second Chances' -Kevin x rev!Eddward
FanfictionI will be returning to renew this story. However, it's finished, and will have no further parts, unless I suddenly get the feels to.