Character(s) in Chapter: Kevin Barr, Jim Barr, Nathan Kedd Goldberg, Eddy, Nazz,
Character Mention in Chapter: Roxy Spark (Jim's Birthmom)
(Even without having to guess or think about it, I know who it was when they said, "phone call." There was only three people who ever bothered to call me and both of them had already called this week. As of matter-of-fact don't even ask me about thinking to be truthfully honest. When you are locked up even for a week in a room the size of a shoebox with only an hour for free time or lunch, there really isn't anything to do other then think. Unless you are looking for trouble and trouble was not what I was looking for in here.
"Yo, Kevin speaking."
I was a little surprised to hear sobbing, from the other end of the line so I know something wasn't right, even before her sickly sweet voice spoke up. Heck, even crying wouldn't have given me the indication that something was wrong, just the little punk bitch yelling shit in the background was enough to know shit was going to be rough. Though, I couldn't say I wasn't a bit arrogant or that I was feeling sorry for what I had done. I was in here for a damn good reason and I was feeling happy despite the reasons. I mean who wouldn't be after hearing you put your now X's homwrecker in his place and sent to the hospital for a week with a broken jaw, busted lip, busted teeth, fractured arm, bruises like a bus hit him. I was dam-'WHAT!'
"What the hell are you saying Rox?"
I couldn't fucking believe I was hearing this shit. Did she question my manhood? What a low blow she was hitting, treating me like I was her no good little punk ass bitch she'd cheated on me with.
"Even if it wasn't mine … you know I love him or her like they were."
It was good and bad that I wasn't having this face to face with her. Not seeing her made it easier to keep cool, yet this fatass guard watching me was breathing down my fucking neck like some fucking pervert. That was slightly uncomfortable, all right more than slightly. It was bad enough you have to keep your guard up with the other inmates so that you weren't made somebody's bitch.
"WHAT! We had this fucking discussion when you first told me you were pregnant."
This was beyond frustrating. It wasn't like I could really make her if she decided to not have it. She was the one having it, not me. But she committed the crime and now she had to do that time, wow that was cheesy. But her little bitch was threatening to leave her if she kept it. Something about not wanting kids.
"Roxy … please, just go through with it. I promise I'll get out and I'll take the baby off your hands. You won't even have to deal with the it after it's born. I won't even ask for child support and I'll pay everything."
You could hear the glee in her voice as money and paying was being mentioned. How the hell did I ever fall for her even in the slightest… Right, she was smart, skinny and reminded me of 'him', a bit, not saying anybody could be him. Except, once you get to know her she was a fucking evil, Money, money and fame bitch. That's all she give a fuck about, yet I stuck around because I didn't care anymore. I had stopped caring after that day.
"Yeah, even if it ain't mine."
I finally answered in defeat. I had won this time. I know she take me for everything before I got out. But as long as I got my kid I was fine, I'd pick back up again. I knew what 'he' say and I knew it was wrong to deny life to a kid who happen to be made at the wrong time.
"I'd like that. It be nice to see the pictures since I'm stuck here. I promise I'll get out before the babies due and clean up."
It was the last thing I spoke to her over the phone about it. I was excited, but I was also scared as hell. Being a dad was a lot of responsibility for a single parent and I would have nobodies help, except for a couple of friends. My parents had given up on me and were degusted with me for not only what I had become, but for coming out to them. They had even moved away leaving the house under my name that was the only nice thing they did. Now it was Nathan Kedd Goldberg my bestfriend's pad.
'Second Chances' -Kevin x rev!Eddward
FanfictionI will be returning to renew this story. However, it's finished, and will have no further parts, unless I suddenly get the feels to.