Character(s) in Chapter: Kevin Barr, Eddward Double D Rockwell, Random Rep Women, Random Police Officers.
Character Mention in Chapter: Nathan Kedd Goldberg, Nazz, Marie Kanker, Eddy
Things to Know: Rehab, Drug Mention, Beating Mention.
Note: Ok, for the longest time I had no idea I hadn't applied the last chapter, even though it has been done for longer then the story up. Then I was told and my dumbass kept forgetting untill it was at points I wasn't around a computer. So, here it is that ending I kept promising. Hopefully I'll put up more stories and fix spelling's of old ones. I keep saying I'll write a squeal or mini short stories for this, but who knows. ENJOY!
Pissed couldn't even cover how fucking angry he was at this moment. Enraged was more like the emotion he was feeling. Yet, again deep down, Kevin was strangely all broken inside as worry and hurt started to seep through the cracks. He couldn't understand all these raw emotions Double D could bring forth in him. It had been that way since that night he found the kid about to have his head smashed in with a bottle. Since then everything dealing with the nerdy/germ phobic dweeb made him feel like a shoe tossed into the dryer alone to bounce around from side to side against hard metal walls.
And the reason for all these new emotions was no thanks to Eddy and his get well gift of pain. The recording had been so bad he had been physically ill for hours after it. He'd never in his life had such a bad panic attack or whatever it was. He felt like he'd been there watching and unable to help him and he shook so bad in anger and fear for the whole thing, covering his ears to the Dweebs screams that echoed in his head.
After he had recovered, he tracked down Eddy, beat the shit out of him until he told him where Double D was, and then left without word. Now he stood outside the front of a large building called, Blue Creak Treatment Center. Kevin didn't understand how all this shit worked, but he was going to see Double D if he had to take down a fat wanna-be-guard and run around screaming his name until he showed.
Taking a couple deep breaths to calm his racing heart and mind, he walked in and looked around. It looked normal he guessed, he'd never been to a rehab center before. So, he had no idea what they were supposed to be like. The ones he'd seen on celebrity news looked like fricken condo's you rent on vocation. This did not look like a condominium, but it was one of the best in the area.
The inside was big and comfortable looking like a nice hotel lobby and there was a girl sitting behind a large desk. Spotting her he made his way over trying his hardest to smile and look like he didn't wanna beat the shit out of somebody. When he got up to the desk, she looked up as she popped her gum and shuffled through crap on her desk before putting a clipboard with paper on the counter in front of him with all this shit written on it with a pen. She then went back to her convocation to some person on the phone about gossip or some shit like that.
'Your shitty me.' His jaw tightened as he read the paper and yanked the note out before tearing it up and placing it back on her desk. This was beyond annoying and fucking rude. After learning about where Double D had been he looked the place up and learned how fucking expensive it was just to be seen. And this little bitch was going to treat him like he just entered some, he didn't even know. He was treated better at roach motels in his past.
"Excuse me miss . . ." He narrowed his eyes as he read her name tag- "Brit, but I would like a moment of your oh so fucking precious time, if you could spare me some."
He snapped as he looked down at his text. One was from Nathan, asking him where the hell he was and the other from Nazz asking why Eddy had been beaten up? But he answered neither as he looked up to glare at the receptionist who had just spoken.

'Second Chances' -Kevin x rev!Eddward
FanfictionI will be returning to renew this story. However, it's finished, and will have no further parts, unless I suddenly get the feels to.