Character(s) in Chapter: Kevin Barr, Jim Barr, Nathan Kedd Goldberg, Eddy, Ai (911 Operator)
Character Mention in Chapter: Nazz, Marie, Rolf, Sarah, Jimmy, Ed, Eddward Double D Rockwell, Mother De Vere (D's Birthmom), Gustave Eiffel (D's Mother's Boyfriend), Jasmine Dakota (Journalist covering D's past), Momma&Father Terwood (D's Foster Parents),, r!Plank Terwood
Things to Know: Aftermath of a Torture and the begging of guy who shot Kevin, Dirty money kinda of, Mental dealings with the shooting aftermath. Mentions of Child Molestation, Rape & Spousal Abuse.
Two damn wired, yet boring days I've spent sitting on this couch with nothing to do. Not working in the mornings is rough. I had forgotten what to do with free time. Being a dad to a two year old and working as single parent, doesn't leave much free personal time. Even when you're sleeping you're being a parent. It's either dreaming about them or sleeping lightly as to be woken at the slightest creak of the floor.
So, there I was being lazy on my couch and half dozing off when the door bell rings. I look over a Nat who had his nose stuck in the cartoon show up until that doorbell, which he looks over at me with this look on his face I had never seen before. Then when I think he's going to get up and get it he turns away and keeps watching. I couldn't believe the nerve of him, so I get up and make my merry way over to the door and open it.
I never in my life would have ever guessed this was coming. I was greeting with non-other than the guy who had shot me. He looked like shit; bruises, burns, bandages, cuts, scraps, you name it littered his body. As soon he sees me, he's down on his hands and knees sobbing like a girl. Begging my forgiveness and telling me he's sorry for what he did and it would never happen to anybody again. I'm literally speechless to what the hell the guy is doing here and I am unsure how to respond. I am angry for what he did, yes. But I can't seem to find the nerve to kick him while he's down or forgive him either.
So, instead I decide to look him over to see how much whoever decided to teach this guy a lesson had done to him. After just a bit of listening I feel a presence next to me and before I can say anything Nat's pushing past me and puts his foot on the guys head and pushes down. "Hehe, look it's a kid. What's up man? Dude, you look like crap, what happened to you?"
Soon as Nathan speaks, the guy freezes and before I know it he's scrambling back like hot water was thrown on him and his eyes are as round as plates as he stares up at Nat, who was just smiling away like there is no care in the world. Then the guy surprises me again as he pulls out a huge white envelope and crawls over to Nat, holding it out as he's begging for mercy. No, I can't believe it. Nat was good. He'd never really hurt a fly, so to believe Nat had done this to him, that couldn't be right. This was beyond an ass whopping, somebody took the time to torture the guy with enough pent up rage to kill a pack of horses.
"Oh, dude what's this? For me? Oh, you're much too nice bro." He says cheerfully as he takes the package and that is when I see it. Written, no more like carved into his forehead is the name 'Eddward' I step back and the guy bolts away like I just pulled out a gun and he's trying to out-run the bullet. I couldn't believe what I had seen, was dorky double D … now capable of such … such … brutal violence?
After he's out of sight I turned my full attention on Nat who's singing a tone as he counts the cash in the package, like he just got paid the first time on a job.
"Are you responsible for that?"
He looks up at me with that stupid goofy grin on before he laughs. "Nope, have no idea who the guys is or why he just made me rich enough to pay back your underground medical bills. Lucky us, right."

'Second Chances' -Kevin x rev!Eddward
FanfictionI will be returning to renew this story. However, it's finished, and will have no further parts, unless I suddenly get the feels to.