Chapter 1

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"I told your teachers to let you eat in class when ever you want." My mother tells me as she drove me to school.

"Did you tell them about me being..."

"Yes, Adrianna, I told them that you were pregnant. Obviously. Or else they wouldn't have agreed." She rolled her eyes and smirked looking at me considering we were just entering the school parking lot.

"No need to be sassy." I muttered.

"I'll never stop being sassy. You should know this by now, honey. Now get out of this damn car and get your little butt into the school. Hurry because momma and Katherine are going to go get our nails done." She tells me practically pushing me out of the car.

"Can't I just ditch school for today?" I whined and she narrowed her eyes at me, pointing towards the school.

"Okay, fine." I mumbled opening the door and started to get out of the car.

"Be careful, Adria." My mom tell me.

"I'll be safe mama." I assured her and once I closed the door she immediately drove off. It wasn't even her car. It was Richard's car but he lend her it for the morning to drop me off at school.

My mom was always so protective of me which is understandable in my situation at the moment.

The father of the baby will not be spoken of because he is an inconsiderate asshole who left me alone when he figured out I was pregnant. Which really pissed me off. Of course I cried my eyes out that night but I had to move on for my unborn baby.

My mom was there for me even though she was extremely pissed that I have been so stupid to have gotten pregnant at the age of 16. That's one of the reasons why I absolutely love my mother. She will always be there for me no matter what I do. She will just never judge me.

"She's hot." I heard some whispers talk about me and I rolled my eyes mentally.

You won't think I'm hot once you find out I'm pregnant. I thought to myself and it really angered me. Boys will keep being boys... Once they find out you have a kid they will back off immediately. Like man the hell up.

I looked down to my phone to see I have gotten a text from my best friend, Beth. Once I was about to read her message I bumped into someone causing me to lose my balance but before I could fall flat on my ass the person I bumped into grabbed me.

"I am, so sorry." A guy with chocolate brown puppy eyes and with a slight crooked chin tells me as he still had his hands onto my waist.

"Oh, that's okay. I wasn't looking where I was going. It's my fault." I tell him and before he could even reply to me I walked passed him because I really needed to get my schedule. He was really cute but I really can't be fooling around with any guys right now. I just want to focus on my baby.

When I found the office I sat down and waited for the principle to show me around my classes. He was taking a lot which already annoyed me. He did insist on giving me a tour.

I heard my phone start to ring so I took it out to see that it was my Aunt. Sighing I answered the call.

"This is the third time that you have called me Aunt Kat. I think you're over doing it." I teased her.

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