Chapter 14

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an: I want to say that this book will go by fast. Like the time. It might be 1 month later or 2 months later ya know? Due to Adrianna's pregnancy so don't get confused because I'll be telling you guys haha ❤️

Also I visualize Sofia Vergara as Katherine (:

Chapter Fourteen// Our child



"Liam, what are you doing here?" Dr. Dunbar asked his son who was sitting in the corner of the room, staring up at his father with a smug smile on his face.

"I-I wanted to make sure that she was safe." Liam blabbered out not knowing what else to say as an excuse.

Adrianna giggled as she stared at Liam who was smiling at her. He looked up to her so much because he just felt that mother instinct from her. Maybe, that's why he's such a baby around her.

Theresa and Katherine stared at each other with a confused face but decided not to say anything about the boy.

It was a full room considering Adrianna's mother and aunt were in there. So, was Scott, Melissa, and Liam. Dr. Dunbar was kind of overwhelmed by that but didn't want to kick anyone out.

"Okay? Adrianna, are you ready?" He asked Adrianna while he ignored his sons presence.

"I think so." She breathed out and nodded while squeezing Scott's hand tightly.

Dr. Dunbar put the ultrasound transducer on Adrianna's belly where he had put a soft gel all over her stomach before placing the ultrasound transducer. Once he started to move it around gently a picture on the screen of the baby finally showed up causing everyone to smile even the doctor himself.

"And there's your baby right there." Liam's dad tells Adrianna with a smile as she smiled with tears starting to form in her eyes.

"Juanita, getting so bit." Katherine commented out loud having everyone stare at her weirdly but she didn't care.

"How do you know if it's a girl?" Adrianna asked her with amusement showing off in her tone.

"Because you're being extra bitchy, duh." Katherine says and rolls her eyes but smirked playfully showing that she was only trying to be funny with her.

"Okay, well, I wasn't going to name her 'Juanita' if she was a girl." She tells her aunt sternly because she sure as hell wasn't going to cause her baby to get bullied for her name.

"Call her Katherine then." Katherine winked at her niece.

"That's horrible!" Theresa jumped in trying to save her daughter from embarrassment in front of her new friends but that just caused her to get even more embarrassed considering they both start to argue all the time.

"And why is that horrible?" Katherine asked her older sister while folding her arms in front of her chest, raising an eyebrow at her with so much attitude.

"Because the baby would have to share a name with... You." She says and looked at her up and down.

"Wow, okay, Theresa." Katherine emphasized her sisters name with so much disgust.

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