I started to dress up into new cloths for this 'party' at 8 just so Liam won't be suspicious on anything. I really felt bad for doing this to him but it's for his own good.
"You look beautiful." I heard Scott say from behind me causing me to jump and turn around while placing a hand over my chest.
"Oh, god! Don't do that to me." I pointed at him trying to calm myself down.
"Sorry." He chuckled and sat down on my bed.
"What are you doing here, anyways?" I asked him while I grabbed my curling iron and started to curl my hair. I had left my curling iron on while I changed because that shit takes forever to heat up.
"I just wanted to check on you." He tells me and I looked at him from the mirror to see him smiling.
"Thank you, Scott. But you don't have to do that. My uncle is down there so he would have protected me if anything had happened to me." I tell him and he just frowned.
My aunt Kath, mom, and my cousins were out bowling so it was jut me and my uncle. My uncle already knows that I was going out though.
"It's a dangerous world, Adri. He won't be able to protect you if some big creature decides to rip you to shreds. It's okay, though because I'm here to protect you at all times." He says and it was very sweet of him to say that.
I was so distracted by how sweet Scott was that I forgot I had the curling iron in my hand. Which then ended up me grabbing the heat part.
"Shit!" I yelled in pain and dropped the iron on my cabinet.
"Are you okay?" Scott asked me while he immediately jumped up from the bed and walked up to me, grabbing my hand to see where I burned myself. It was starting to turn bright red.
"It's not my first time getting burned. I'll live." I tell him but he brought up my hand towards his lips and placed a kiss to it causing me to giggle.
His arms started to have black veins and it didn't scare me. All I did was stare at them in awe. They were quite interesting to look at.
I then felt the slight stinging pain all gone. It was no longer there so I smiled widely at Scott.
"That's so cool!" I squealed and he just laughed at me.
"You're going to be a great mom." He tells me and I honestly loved when people compliment me like that because it just causes me to get even more excited that I'm soon going to have a little me around or... a little him.
"Do you really think so? I'm actually starting to get really worried about that." I managed to open up to him about my feelings.
"How come?" He asked me while I continued on curling my hair since I didn't have a lot of time now.
"I'm only 16 years old, Scott. Turning 17 in a week but still. I don't know if I should have this baby." I whispered softly not wanting to say it out loud.
"You want to have an abortion?!" Scott exclaimed with wide eyes and I widened my eyes twice as big.
"No! I would never do that. I meant like maybe give it up for adoption. I just don't know what to do anymore." I groaned in frustration.

Lullabies • Scott McCall [1]
FanfictionScott McCall never thought he'd let a pregnant girl into his pack. He surely never thought he'd fall in love with her. [#5 IN "SCOTT MCCALL"] WARNING: THIS IS CHEASY ASS HELL AND I AM SO SORRY