Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 // Mexico

// just wanted to say that I am so sorry if this seems so ugly lol. I tried my hardest on this chapter and I am here to tell you that there is only two chapters left and I am hoping that I will be finished with this book before June 10th.

Oh and happy birthday to stacymccall ! I saw your comment about how Saturday is your birthday. So have a wonderful day, babe. 💖 thanks for taking your time on reading my book. (: well, today is Friday for me still but it's probably Saturday for you already. I'm not sure what time it is wherever you live haha.

"Okay, you're all done, Adri."

Adrianna slowly sat up and pulled down her shirt while she tried her hardest to get off the bed.

Melissa stares at the teenager with curiosity and with concerned. She felt as if she was upset about something because she was quiet the entire time she was checking her. She opened her mouth to ask her a question until a sharp pain formed inside of Adrianna's stomach making her gasp in pain.

Melissa quickly rushed to her side and grabbed onto her in case she was going to collapse.

"I'm fine I'm fine!" Adrianna says fast and rejected Melissa to help her.

"Blood is running down from your nose!" Melissa exclaims to the teenager who slowly reached her hand up to touch the blood that was slowly coming out of her nose.

She let out a frustrated sigh while she quickly wiped the blood with her long sleeved shirt quite harshly.

"Not again." Adrianna muttered while she made sure that the bleeding from her nose was officially stopping.

"Not again? This wasn't the first time it happened? What? Adrianna Carter if you do not tell me the truth on what is happening to you I swear I will get Liam on you and you know how over protective he is over you young lady." Scott's mother threatened the teenager who was quietly staring at the older women with a small frown formed on her lips.

"Okay, yes this isn't the first time it happened. But I thought I was just getting nose bleeds because I'm pregnant. I thought it was normal you know? And I've been getting these weird yet very very painful going on inside of my stomach at moments when I least expect them to happen. I once even almost fell down to the ground but after the pain passed I was perfectly fine so I didn't tell anyone about it, I didn't want anyone to worry about it if it wasn't even major. But now... Now I think that..." Adrianna trailed off not able to finish her sentence.

"That it has something to do with your baby being some dangerous yet powerful werewolf?" Melissa finished the sentence for her making the blonde haired girl to nod along while she bit her bottom lip unsure if she was coming off as a bad mother.

She thought that maybe it was just part of her baby's fault that she was getting these painful stomachaches but she didn't want to blame her own baby for that. Just because her own baby was different then her. She felt like a terrible person for even thinking like that about her own daughter.

"Yeah. Do you think this is something major?" Adrianna asked, looking at Melissa with wide eyes.

"Well, I am no expert on werewolves, honey." She chuckled lightly making the two corners of Adri's lips to pull up a tiny bit.

"But maybe someone can help with your problem.." Melissa trailed off making Adrianna tilt her head in confusion.


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