Chapter 11

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This entire day was just extremely weird in some sort of way. My mom was acting differently around me ever since I had gotten home after school. I would try to speak to her but sometimes she would ignore me. When Aunt Katherine would talk to her then my mom would have been the normal her.

I just don't understand what's going on anymore. I don't even know what I did wrong.

"What's wrong with my mom, Aunt Kath?" I asked her when I walked into the kitchen to see her preparing dinner later on but I won't be here. I'll be with Scott on our first date.

"Oh, sweetie. She's just jealous that you're hanging out with other people more then her. That's never happened before with you two so it's new to her." Katherine explained to me causing me to sigh heavily once I thought about it more.

"She has to understand that I'm seventeen, though. I'm no longer a little girl and I've finally found myself some really good friends." I let out my feelings to my aunt as I sat down on a chair next to the table.

"She'll come around, Adrianna. By the way, you better bring a bigger coat then that, honey buns, because it is freezing outside. Don't want you to get sick now don't we?" She asked me and I smiled, shaking my head

"No, I guess not. I should get going now. See you guys at 10?" I asked her while getting up and she hummed in response while I grabbed my coat from the living room.


I sat next to Scott on the bench while we waited for the game to start. Everyone in the pack was stressed out because of the killer being in the team. I was nervous and I'm not even in the team or even a supernatural.

"Are you nervous, Scotty?" I asked him, curious to his answer because he kept bouncing his right leg while he looked down at his shoes.

He looked up at me with wide eyes and he had this confused look on his face but then found out what I had asked him.

"Huh? Oh, uh, no not really." He mutters as he put on his shoes and started to tie them.

"It's okay to be scared, Scott. Especially, when people are out to kill you." I put my chin on top of his shoulder causing him to look over at me and he smiled.

"I promise you I'm not scared. If they want an Alpha. Then, I'll show them an Alpha." He tells me but had that goofy smile on his face which made me smile at him showing off my teeth.

We both stared into each others eyes while smiling at each other and I had a very strong urge to just smash my lips onto his but I didn't want to move on that fast. No matter how much I wanted to grab his face and pull him in for a kiss... I can't do that... At least not yet.

"Let's go! Let's go, come on! Hey, McCall, I said get your ass out on the field." Coach yelled out for Scott making us break apart from each other and looked up to see him with a stern look on his face.

"But Coach, his leg is still healing. I don't think he should play." Scott protested as he got up and practically ran over to Coach Finstock since it was a bad idea for the young beta to be in the field when he's having trouble issues on controlling his inner wolfness.

"He said it's fine." Coach waved him off while I just sat on the bench watching all of this happen.

"As Captain, I'm suggesting Liam sit out the game." Scott tells him sternly and stood up straighter thinking that it would work if he pulled out the 'I'm team captain' card.

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