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The next day, Maya woke up early. She got dressed. Jeans and a simple blue T-Shirt.
She was the only one awake , so she decided to watch some TV and wait for the others.

She was watching a movie called "Love, Rosie" when she hard footsteps. She turned around to see Josh.

Why him?

-Hey Josh, she said.

-Morning beautiful, he replied and headed to the kitchen.

Maya was frozen though. He was still sleeping. He probably didn't even realize what he said.

She followed Josh into the kitchen.

-How did you sleep? ,she asked.

-Fine. I had this weird dream though... ,he said.

-What dream?

Maya was curious now.
Josh blushed.

-I-It's nothing.

-Come on Josh.


-Josh. Please, I'm curious.

He gave up

-I was just chasing a blonde girl that might or might not be you. ,he said

Maya blushed. Josh was chasing her. But of course it was just a dream.

-It's okay Josh. You can tell me about your weird dreams.We're friends.



Josh looked offended, hurt even. And confused. But she didn't get it. Friends was the right thing to be.

-Cool. ,he finally replied.

He got some milk for him and raised his eyebrows at Maya, asking if she wanted some.

-Yes, please.

Josh handed her a full glass.

-So how's college? ,she asked to break the silence.

-It's really good. You know, these girls at that party a few years ago were right. I am smarter.

Maya laughed.

-Good to know.

-What about your last year at school? ,he asked, You liking it?

-Oh yeah. We're the kings of Highschool now!

-You and Riley?

-Me and Riley and Farkle and Lucas. And Zay.We're a team ,she said.

-Yeah Riley and this guy Lucas are a pretty good team don't you think? ,he smirked.

-Look, to be honest I don't really know what they are. I don't even know what me and Lucas are. ,she admitted.

Josh's smirk melted right away.

-Wait. Is there something going on between you and the Lucas boy?

-No. I mean... no. We just had our moments back in Texas.

She didn't even know why she was telling him all these stuff. It's not likely he would care.

-Texas? Was that... What? A year ago?

-Yeah, something like that...

(I know that since the girls are seventeen now it was more than one year but I think it fits the story better :) )

Invisible || JoshayaWhere stories live. Discover now