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One week later

Maya's POV

Tomorrow school would start again.


Her relationship with Mr. Mathews got back to normal. But Josh was coming today to pack his things. No one knew where he slept these past few days. Riley was just as anxious as Maya but she didn't want to let anyone know. Topanga was sad too but she sided with her husband. Even Auggie cried because uncle Josh "had to leave".

So that cold morning they were waiting for him. When the bell rang Maya jumped. How could she see him again? Him? The guy that made her happy for two days. The guy that made her believe in things.

The door opened and he walked in.

He was wearing jeans, a purple T-shirt and his jacket. His hair was clean and Maya was surprised to see how healthy he looked. She felt and overwhelming relief that went away when a girl appeared behind him. She had brown hair and eyes. She was wearing a red sweater and she looked cold. She was cute. Her smile was warm.

Maya frowned. She looked at Josh. Josh was looking directly at her too. His eyes didn't releave anything. He turned to face his family.

-Cory, Topanga, this is Brenda. She is a good friend of mine, that helped me these days.

Maya realised how much she had missed him. Even his voice was hard to listen to.

-Hello Brenda, Cory said politely.

-Hi! It's very nice to meet you. Josh speaks highly of you.

That was obviously a surprise to Cory. He frowned at the floor and a smile appeared on his face.

-Well, I think highly of him. ,he replied.

Josh blushed. Topanga got in the conversation.

-Brenda, let me meet you Auggie and Riley. Josh go pack your things. Maya, help him.

Cory looked like he was going to say something but Topanga didn't let him.

Josh walked past Maya and she followed him. All these days she tried not to think about Josh, not to think about how it felt to be alone with him. And now here she was again alone with a boy that made her heart flatter. It never mattered how hard she tried to build some walls, to shut him out. He could break her walls with a snap of his fingers.

-Sorry I didn't call, Maya started, but your brother was kinda watching me.

Josh didn't even care to pretend he was there to pack his things. His eyes were steady on hers and he didn't seem to be able to take them off her

-I get it. ,he replied but he still sounded sad.

Maya took a step closer.

-Brenda looks nice.

Josh smirked.

-Yeah right.

The blonde girl didn't really know how to reply to that so she remained quiet.

Josh's face turned serious again.

-Maya, she was the only one I could get to. ,he said.

-It's okay. ,Maya closed her eyes.

She stayed like that for a long moment and then she opened her eyes again.

-So what now?, she asked.

Josh stiffened. Maya could see that it was hurting. He didn't want to leave. Or maybe he just didn't want to leave without her. But he said those awful words anyway;

-Now, I'm going back home.

Maya knew that it was coming. She spend one whole week preparing herself for it and now that it was here, she couldn't deal with it.

It's really funny though, isn't it? How people get so hurt over something they saw coming...

-You're leaving.., she murmured, yeah of course you are... You always are.

She looked up at him. His face wasn't hurt now. It was plain angry.

-You think I want this?! ,he asked loudly, You think I LIKE it?! Because I don't!

He took a step closer.

-I'm not happy about this, Maya! I am sick to my stomach, I am furious but not at you!

He reached her and took her face in his hands.

-Never at you, he whispered.

He leaned down and Maya couldn't resist. She stand up on her toes and placed her mouth on his.

Once their lips touched everything else disappeared. All the reasons that they shouldn't be together didn't exist anymore.

That was what it was like with them. When they were together nothing else mattered.

It was the softer kiss they had shared. His lips were gentle and he was patient. She felt like she was melting. She would swear that none of them was solid at that specific moment.

It wasn't a sweet kiss though. It was full of sadness, it was a goodbye.

Their lips moved slowly. They kept moving for something that could be some seconds or some hours.

Maya and Josh said more with that kiss than they had ever actually said out loud.

It was a heartbreaking moment. All my wanted was what she had, right then, with Josh holding her. She could have been happy. But not now. Now all her dreams about him were crahsing down. Now all the hope she used to have was shattering. Now he was leaving.

It was a goodbye after all. They did the best to struggle through it.

When they pulled away they both took a deep breath. Josh's eyes were near to getting wet so he quickly turned away. He took some clothes from the opened closet and put them in his bag. He closed it. He risked a glance at Maya.

-I loved you. You should know that. ,he whispered.

-And I loved you. ,Maya managed to say, Way before you felt the same.

The girl knew that her eyes were wet. But she didn't hide it. And for a second there she saw a tear streaming down his face, too.

He turned his back at her murmuring something that sounded like "goodbye", took his bag and left the room.

Maya hadn't moved. She could feel tears streaming down her face but she didn't try to stop them. She heard the door close. Brenda and Josh were out. Maya sat on the edge of the bed and waited for Riley to come in. As she expected, her best friend appeared behind the door after two minutes. She sat beside Maya and held her. Maya cried in her shoulder. Several minute passed until the blonde finally calmed.

Then Riley told her:

-Dad is driving him to the airport today at six. We're all going with him. Are you coming?

Maya shook her head.

-I don't think it's a good idea Riles. ,she said, her voice breaking.

-Come on Maya, you don't have to talk to him. Please, do it for me.

Maya thought about it. Josh and she had said their goodbyes. Being to the airport, it wouldn't change anything. If Riley wanted her there, she'd go for her.

-Fine. ,she said.

Riley smiled.

-Yaaayyy... ,she said, but this time it wasn't as loud and enthousiastic as the other times. Her smile was way too sad, her voice way too quiet.

Maya rested her head on Riley's shoulder and they stayed right there, for what felt like a billion years.

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