Walked away (last one)

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Josh's POV

They were driving. No, actually, Cory was driving them to the airport. He sat next to the window, on the back seat. Cory and Topanga with Auggie in her lap were in the front. Maya was next to the other window and Riley was safely between them.

No matter for how long he'd look at Maya, she kept her eyes on the road. Josh was sure that Riley knew exactly who he was looking at but she didn't say anything. She wasn't Cory.

So that was the trip. Maya didn't give him even one glance. She looked sad and a frown often appeared on her pretty face.

Pretty. Yeah, as if this was the word for it.

When Josh left Mathews's house one week ago he returned to the dance. He found some kids he knew. Brenda immediately volunteerd to let him stay at her place. Josh hadn't anywhere else to go, so he agreed.

Brenda was a pretty girl. It was all good for the first 2 days. Then she kissed him. Old Josh would have felt relieved to know that a girl like her liked him. Now, all he could think of was: "Maya, Maya, Maya!" He fell for the younger girl. He wasn't planning on it but he did. And when Josh fell for someone he was a sucker.

So that was pretty much it. He stopped Brenda with the excuse that he had a girlfriend back home.

The car stopped and brought Josh back to reality. He opened the door and got out. The air was cold. It would rain. Seemed like the weather was trying to suit his feelings.

He walked next to his brother. Riley and Maya were behind them. He tried not to show it but he was very aware of Maya walking behind him. Well, way more the he should be anyway.

They got in to the airport. The did what people usually do in an airport. They tested his things for anything dangerous etc.

They reached a spot where his family couldn't follow. He hugged his brother, Topanga, Riley and Auggie. He shook hands with Maya.

-Goodbye, he said quietly.

She did her best to smile.


She nodded and he liked it. Like the two of them had a secret. Maybe they did.

The rest of it happened like they were robots. Not thinking about it. Not planning on doing these stuff. But he did, and the reality only hit him when he was walking away. Walking away from his family and the girl that he obviously loved.

Loved. He never thought that he could love Maya. Maya, the girl that had a crush on him since she was twelve. But she wasn't the same. She was grown up now, she didn't lose conrol when she saw him.

Whatever he had never felt before, Maya managed to make him feel in three days.

And he was walking away from her.


Maya's POV.

He walked away from her. He walked away. She turned around with tears on her face. Damn, the boy made her weak. She didn't want to be weak. She hated that feeling.

She reached a window and sat by it. A woman said something in the microphone. She only catched the word "Philadelphia" and "flight". At the same time she saw a plain taking of for Philadelphia, obviously.

She tried to repress her sobs. She wasn't very succesfull.
She didn't want to feel like that. But she felt like she was missing a piece, like there was a hole inside of her. And that hole wouldn't recover until she saw him again, touched him, heard his voice.

-Don't forget me, she murmured to the plain.

But the plain was leaving with Josh in it and she was left alone whispering to the cold glass.

Invisible || JoshayaWhere stories live. Discover now