December 14th

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Luke woke up not feeling his best. He decided it was best to stay bundled up with all his blankets and pillows surrounding him, but he took them all to the couch so he could watch Christmas movies alone in his comfy flannel pajamas that Michael got him a few months back. They had "Mr. Clifford" embroidered on the front pocket. Luke thought it was cute and he treasured them dearly because Michael was so excited to see Luke's reaction to them when he had presented them to the blond on an early Saturday morning.

The idea for another present for Michael hit him and he knew exactly what to get his husband. He'll figure out how to get pajamas identical to his so they can be matching while snuggled up in bed on Christmas night once Michael is home. It'll be their own kind of perfect.

Luke smiled to himself as he moved about into the living room. Extra blankets were stacked in his arms after he quickly retrieved them from the linen closet in the hall. Luke began stuffing the pillows into every crevasse of the couch and throwing sheets over the cushions to add extra comfort. When he decided it looked suitable he threw himself down onto the soft surface and stretched out his long limbs before grabbing the tv remotes.

Scrolling through Netflix's Christmas category for a few minutes, Luke figured he'd start the day out with Home Alone–it's Michael's favorite holiday movie. Having seen it so many times it still never failed to put the blond into a giggly mood, filling the room with loud laughter.

After spending majority of his day glued to couch the last movie he watched ended and he drug himself off the plush couch and into the kitchen to retrieve some food. Luke settled on the plate of cookies that he set aside last night for later. He had decorated them exactly how his lover would; lots of icing and sprinkles.

Everything Luke did made him think of Michael and he wondered if it was same for his husband who's thousands of miles away.


when Christmas is less than two weeks away wtf where has December gone already???

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