December 25th

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Luke groggily woke up, the spaces on either side of him empty and cold. He heard the shower running and he doesn't even want to think about what his friends are doing in there while they think he's still asleep. Luke snuggled deeper into the covers and let's sleep consume him once again.


When Luke woke up again arms are wrapped tightly around his torso. Damp hair tickling at the nape of his neck. Luke didn't even have the strength to turn around to tell–who he assumed was Calum to go dry his hair. His warm breath was tickling at Luke's skin, and the hold he had on Luke tightened and pulled his flush against his chest.

Luke huffed, turning around the bed to face his friend in the dimly lit room, a small amount of sunshine peeking through the curtains. Except when he squinted at the person holding him in bed it wasn't Calum nor was it Ashton.

Luke gasped rather loud, covering his mouth with his hand in shock and then he began to cry. Making the man beside him stir awake. "Michael?" Luke choked, throwing himself into his husbands arms and clinging to him. Michael was wide awake now, holding Luke close. He threaded his fingers through the blonds hair as he hushed his cries and wiped away the tears that feel freely down Luke's cheeks.

"Shh. It's okay, I'm home. ." Michael hushed, trying to calm down his husband. Michael peppered Luke's face with kisses and hushed words letting him know it's really him and that he's home.

"You're home for Christmas. That's all I wanted, for the past two months and the next however many years that may come. All I want is you." Luke smiled, grabbing Michaels stubbly face in between his hands and pulling him in for a heated kiss. The passion the two put forth was enough for fireworks to appear. The two husbands missed each other dearly and the thought of not having some form of physical contact seemed sickening. All Luke wanted was to see Michael's face, to kiss his lips, to be held by his husband and his Christmas wish came true.

"When did you get home? Why didn't you call? I was worried sick."

"I wanted to call you so bad. But I had this huge ordeal planned to surprise you... That was until my plane got delayed till 6 o'clock this morning." Michael explained, he had Luke perched on his lap as he sat against the headboard. His hands holding tightly on Luke's hips, rubbing soothing circles to the smooth skin. "I called Ashton last night to see if he and Calum would stay the night. I didn't want you to be alone. I had them leave when I got home and they'll probably be back later. I just wanted to be the one you woke up next to on Christmas morning. I wanted to be the present that wouldn't fit under the tree."

"I love you so much." Luke sniffed, his hands flat against Michael's chest. "Never leave me again."

"I don't plan on it. Next time you're coming with me and I'm going to be there with you for every second of that day that I'm not singing. I want to experience the world with you my love. It's not the same when I do it alone." Michael confessed. He pulled Luke closer, placing a chaste kiss to his lips. "I love you, darling."

Luke suddenly pulled back to look at Michael. "Wait. It's Christmas! I got you so many presents that you need to open before I rip these clothes off of you."

"Oh, really?" Michael smirked, tugging at Luke's flannel bottoms. "Those presents can wait." Michael kissed along Luke's jawline till he placed his lips against Luke's.

Luke pulled away and gave Michael the look. "We've been apart this long already I'm sure you can wait a few more hours. Because it's Christmas and I'm a child at heart. Now c'mon let's open presents, baby." Luke slide off his husbands lap, giggling at the annoyed look on Michael's face.

"Merry Christmas darling." Michael mumbled, tugging Luke close to his side as they walked into the living room together. Luke's eyes widened at the amount of gifts that appeared under the tree since Michael's arrival. Knowing his husband must've been in a full blown shopping mode to have accomplished this.

"I don't even know what to open first." Luke admitted, but he pulled out a small rectangular box that was from Michael and started to open it. Michael had a huge grin on his face while tears glistened in Luke's eyes. "It's–It's beautiful. I can't believe you got me this." Luke softly unhooked the necklace and handed it to Michael to latch around his neck. It had their wedding date beautifully engraved into it.

"I knew you'd love it."

"My number one gift isn't this great but I think you'll appreciate my effort for matching." Michael opened the box containing the matching 'Mr. Clifford' flannel pajamas and chuckled.

"I love them. But I love you so much more."

Luke happily placed himself on his husbands lap as they opened the rest of the gifts they bought for one another. "I'm so glad you're home."

"Me too. Me too." Michael sighed, nuzzling his face into Luke's neck and listened to the small giggles leaving the blonds lips. They were home together at last for Christmas and it was all they ever wanted.


this story is now over and I'm sad but it was fun to write and it kept me on my toes to remember to update everyday. I hope you enjoyed it. Love you all lots. <3

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