Chapter 2 ~ cold welcoming

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Chapter 2 ~ cold welcoming

- we pulled up to the shop and went inside

Lady: hello how may I help you :)

Michelle: Yes I made and appointed for me and my friend to get our nails done

Lady: ok (*types letters in*) mrs Harris?

Michelle: yes

Lady: ok what will the two of you be getting done today?

Me: I just want my nails done

Michelle: errrr! No we are gonna get out nails and feet done today! An for me I would like to get my eyebrows waxed you know they looking ruff

Lady: ok right this way (*she placed us down in seats

Nails lady: hi how you doing

Me: hey

Nail lady: what would you like done today?

Me: surprise me!

Nail lady: so what's been going on in your life! I see your friend has a lot to say (*we look over and hear Michelle blabbing about her life and the ladies agree to her statements*)

Me: umm nothin much

Nail lady: wait are you kamora cole?

Me: we'll it's kamora latimore now

Nail lady: omg! Your ring looks amazing

Me: thank you

NL: how is Jacob? Is he going on any tours ?

Me: we aren't for sure right now

NL: that man is so fine! You are a lucky women

Me: thank you

NL: I bet you be fighting them groupies off

Me: lol I don't need to because Michelle she has that handle

NL: is she the one married to Jawan Harris?

Me: lol yea that's her

NL: oh my goodness!! Can I get pictures before You leave?

Me: of course :)

(*after I got my nails and feet done and Michelle finished waxing off the rest of her eyebrows. We took pictures and headed back home*)

Michelle: (*sat at the kitchen counter*) girl your nails turned out amazing

Me: thanks :) *gasp* Michelle what time is it!

Michelle: 3 why?

Me: keanna is suppose to be bringing the baby over soon! What If she came by already and I missed her! Oh shoot Jacob of gonna be pissed!

Michelle: girl clam down! (*the door bell rang, I ran to the door and opened it to see keanna standing in the door way with the baby*)

Me: hey keanna

Keanna: hi

Me: hey little one

Kamaree: mmmmmm

Me: come in (*keanna stepped into the house and Michelle appeared*) let me take the baby! (*grabs kamaree*)

Michelle: keanna -.-

Keanna: Michelle (*evil stare*)

Me: ummm (*broke the glare*) why don't you come into the kitchen keanna we was just having girl talk

Keanna: no I really shouldn't

Michelle: yea come! What's the rush

Me: (*sat the baby in the living room with her toys*)

Keanna: just for a while (*walked into the kitchen and sat down*)

Michelle: hoe *cough*

Me: (*pinched Michelle and walked into the kitchen*) so how have you been?

Keanna: (*looks around the kitchen and house*) I've been fine

Michelle: kamaree looks good I'm glad you taking care of her

Me: (*gave Michelle the behave look*) Want a drink?

Keanna: no in fine I should be going

Michelle: what's the rush? You got something to do? Or some one to look for ?

Keanna: look you need to stay out my business and worry about your self

Me: ladies

Michelle: what you need to do is look for your baby daddy!! Because Jacob is not the father!

Keanna: (*grabs her purse*) I don't have time for this (*rushes to the door*)

Me: Michelle ! (*rushes to the door*)

Michelle: (*sits back and sips her drink*) I'll buy you a ticket to the Mary show! (*muary voice*) he is not the father *bust out laughing*

Me: keanna wait!

Keanna: I'm leaving!!

Michelle: (*Ran to the door and yelled*) and you need to get that breath checked! It smell like a can of bounce that azz (*bust out laughing*)

Keanna: (*slammed her car door and drove away*)

Michelle: (*sips drink and slammed the door*) hoe

Me: Michelle imma stop having you over here when she come! You have to respect the mom of my husbands baby!

Michelle: alright alright! (*sips drink, and it was slieng between the two*)

Me: but really a can of bounce that azz?

Michelle: (*bust our laughing!*) aaaaahaha!! (*start singing*) don't drop that dunn Dunn don't don't drop that dunn (*starts dancing*)


- Jacob sat in a chair playing around with controls when some one walks in.

Person: whats up brah

Jacob: (*turns and see mark*) ayee what's up mane (*hand dap*)

Mark: so what's good man?

Jacob: nothin much just trying to see what this meeting about

Mark: so let's go

Jacob: ready? (*they both headed in to this room with a long table and sat in some chairs as other people walked in*)

Boss: so jake we have this deal where we wanna put you on a collaboration and a video

Jacob: wait wait! What about the tours! Concert dates! Where's that at?

Manger: we are working on that

Jacob: get out of here! You guys been working on that for a while now! And I still see no results

Boss: but the collaboration

Jacob: look get my dates and then we can talk collab alright (*got up and walked out the room*)

Mark: the man wants what the man wants


~ it was 9:00 at night kamaree was asleep in her room. Jacob still haven't arrived home which was upsetting me. Then I heard foot steps come up the Stairs so I pretended to be sleep. Jacob came and kissed my cheek I rolled over

Jacob: hey baby

Me: hey why you so late

Jacob: sorry we was trying to wrap up a song. How was the baby

Me: she was good today

Jacob: sorry to put this on you today

Me: it's fine (*i kisses him a few times then kissed his neck and rolled over*)

Jacob: that's it! You brought the dog out and that's it!

Me: lol

Jacob: disappointed but night babe

Me: night!

Picture of Michelle --->

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