Chapter 24 ~ Take A Bow

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Chapter 24 ~ take a bow

~ I sat in my apartment as baby jacoby kicked away. I forgot all about the baby shower that happen a few days ago, I was just gonna enjoy life with me and my baby. There was a knock on the door. I slowly got up and answered it. Jacob was at the door with flowers in his hand

Jacob: kamora I'm

Me: Jacob no! Dont start with this

Jacob: at least let me say something

Me: ......... Go ahead

Jacob: I know that I messed up and on my way over here I thought of a million reasons why you shouldn't take me back, but understand this ok! I love you with all my heart and I know

I rolled my eyes but he grabbed my hand

Jacob: an I know that I've messed up over a thousand times and just saying sorry isn't gonna change a thing, but I can't afford to lose the woman of my life again and my son! I spent the rest of my teenage years taking care of a daughter that wasn't even mine! I named her after you! And even though I couldn't bare it in my heart to let kamaree go I couldn't bare it in my heart to know that you was gone to!! So even igf you don't want me let me be there for the baby (*puts hands on my stomach, I moved my stomach away*)

Me: Jacob, I have done everything! For you and I understand your hurt that you feel about kamaree. So I'm not gonna take jacoby away from you

Jacob: thank y(*i cut him off*)

Me: but! It's gonna take time to earn me back (*i pushed the ring in his hand away*)

Jacob: I'm willing to do what ever it takes

Me: come on in

~ two songs for this chapter ----->

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