Chapter 7 ~ Kisses Down Low

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Chapter 7 ~ Kisses Down Low

~ Jacob got up at six in the morning and saw kamora still sleeping he grabbed his car keys and kisses kamora forehead before walking down stairs. He heard the door bell ring and he answered it to see keanna at the door

Jacob: uhh hey (*gave her a hug*)

Keanna: hey

Jacob: you should have called me to answer the door kamora is sleeping

Keanna: what ever

Jacob: come in (*she followed him into the house*) you want something to drink or eat?

Keanna: look Jacob I didn't come over here for your charity I just came to pick kamaree up and go

Jacob: keanna I'm Trying to be nice please don't have an attitude with me

Keanna: where's my baby

Jacob: *sigh* ok ok I'll go get her (*jacob ran upstairs into kamaree room*)

Keanna: (*looked around the house and picked up pictures of Jacob and kamaree and Jacob and kamora*) rolls eyes

Jacob: (*came back down stairs*) she's still sleep but here is all her thinkers she came with (*handed her over to keanna and she woke up*)

Kamaree: huh? (*rubs eyes*)

Jacob: bye bye kamaree (*kisses her check*)

Kamaree: (*winned a little then laid back down on keanna an went back to sleep*)

Jacob: you need anything?

Keanna: no I'm fine (*turns and headed to the door*)

Jacob: (*stops and gets in front of her*) look keanna I'm trying to make this work between us ok

Keanna: (*doesnt look at him*) umm humm (*walks out the door and Jacob let's her leave*)

Jacob: *sigh* (*grabs keys and head to the studio*)


~ I sat in my office and typed away on my computer, people stared at me still in shock that me kamora latimore would be working. But see I don't mind it

Worker: I sent you some documents make a copy for me and send it to the boss please

Me: alright

-checked my watch and it was 2 I organized the paper work and made copies. The boss walked by with people on her shoulder writing down every word. She stopped by my desk

Boss: kamora honey imma need those appointments in to me by 4 and I'm going to need you to work late tonight how does 6 sound?

Me: ummm 6 is fine with me

Boss: you always come through (*walks away*)

Me: yes I do (*typed on my computer while a mail person brought me flowers*)

Mail man: flowers and chocolate for ms latimore

Me: lol thank you :) (*fans send me gifts all the time*)

Mail man: looks expensive (*walks away*)

Me: (*i sat the gifts off to the side and open up a blank page*) ok let's go kamora write something!

- I sat staring at the computer trying to think of what to write

Co-worker: you alright kamora?

Me: uhhh ok yea I'm fine

Co-worker: you looked like you was tryin to melt the computer screen with you eyes lol

Me: Lol I wish

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