Chapter 11 ~ Feelings

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Chapter 11 ~ feelings

- it was late afternoon and Jacob got up and headed to the studio where him and some guys were working on music

Mark: man jake what the hell were you thinking to go on that show?

Jacob: me I don't even know

Big P: man the wifey wanted to do it so he did it for his lady man

Mark: shoot I wouldn't break my neck for the wifey dude

Guys: lol

- someone walked into the studio

Guy: aye umm jake you got a visitor

Jacob: alright tell them I'll be out

Voice: or I'll just come in

- all the guys stopped laughing and talking and turned around an it got quite

Big P: baby mamma drama 0.0

Jacob: keanna

Keanna: (*sat bag down*) I came for my lesson

Jacob: ummm (*got out the chair*) umm fellas we are gonna be helping to get keanna into the music business

Mark: who is we (*big p slaps him up side the head*)

Jacob: so um we should start an idea for a song!

Keanna: you don't even have to worry I came up with something (*walks into the recording booth*) I need an old school beat, give me a strong bass and a mean electric panio (*puts earphones on*)

- Jacob sits back down and him and the boys play around with the controls

Keanna: yea something like that

Mark: you a go

Keanna: (*begans singing*)  

------> song on the side

I heard  

Church bells ring

Big p: mark add a little aaaaa to the mix


I heard  

A choir singing 

I saw my love  

Walk down  

The aisle 

On her finger  

He placed a ring

Oooh, oh

- Jacob sat up in his chair

Keanna: I saw them  

Holding hands 

She was  

Standing there  

Wwith my man 

I heard  

Them promise 

Til death do  

Us part 

Each word 

Was a pain 

In my heart

(*she looked at jacob and Jacob leaned back in his chair and put his thumb under his chin and pointer on his forged and listened to the lyrics*)

Keanna: All i could do  

Was cry (*eyes started getting watery*)  

All i could do  

Was cry 

I was  

Losing the man  

That i love 

And all  

I could do  

Was cry

And now  

The wedding  

Is over 

Rice, rice  

Has been  

Thrown over  

Their heads 

For them life  

Has just begun 

But mine  

Is ending


All i could do  

Was cry 

All i could do  

Was cry 

I was losing  

The man  

That i love 

And all  

I could do  

Was cry

- Jacob got up and walked out of the studio

Mark: that sounded nice keanna now lets run it again to add the vibrant affect

Keanna: ok :)

- Jacob walked out side into the dark and sniffed and wiped his nose,

Jacob: dam*it (*he kicked the side of a trash can, he just basically had a mental melt down and he got in his car and drove home*)


Convo with Mimi

Me: yea girl and basically she just said that she didn't have a problem with her that's all (*seen Jacob come in*) hold on Michelle, hey baby how was the studio (*jacob walked straight pass her into the bathroom and slammed the door*) well someone is grumpy but yea what were you saying?

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