Chapter 17 ~ Big Break

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Chapter 17 ~ big break

~ I got up and headed to my mom house I know how bad she wanted to see the baby and I was suppose to take bj to go go kart riding. When I walked into the house my mom grabbed up kamaree and wouldn't let her go

Keyshia: can you say grandma(*kamaree just looked at her*)

Me: mom she's barely learning how to say dada

Keyshia: oh hush kamora! Oh I forgot to tell you

Me: you almost ready bj?!!

Bj: yeas!!

Me: tell me what?

Keyshia: a friend Of mind called and he would like you to go out to new York and do a pepsi commercial

Me: when?!

Keyshia: umm he wants you to come out there by the end of the week

Me: mom you know I can't I have to watch kamaree

Keyshia: well your not gonna miss this so you Better find away to get your little butt out there

Me: alright

Keyshia: I'm not playing kamora

Me: we'll would you be able to watch the baby

Keyshia: I can't me and bj are going to Daniel basket ball game this week end

Me: oh great

Keyshia: get one of your friends to watch the baby im pretty sure IG wouldnt mind having another little girl around

Bj: ok sis I'm ready :)

Me: (*grabs keys*) thanks for the note

~ i took bj out to the go kart and we road around a few times after that I took him out to eat when we got back home my mom still had kamaree up playing with her

Keyshia: oh hey how was the day out

Bj: great!! (*ran to his room*)

Keyshia: :) oh kamora I called up my friend (*handed me a piece of paper*) this is everything that is gonna help you to make it threw new York! It's a list of numbers

Me: whats this number circled?

Keyshia: that's the number for everything make sure you contact that person

Me: alright well it's late so imma be heading out

Keyshia: awwww the baby had to leave (*she kissed kamaree*)

Me: ok grandma that enough (*i took the baby and we headed home*)


Mark: what's wrong dude you look wore out!

Jacob: (*wipes eyes*) umm nothin

Mark: alright well let's focus we gotta get ready for this collab

- keanna walks in and Jacob looks at her then turns his head

Keanna; hey everybody

People: sup

Mark: ready to make magic?

Keanna: let's go


- I sat in my bed and flipped threw a magazine as I though about the commercial, I wanted to call and tell Jacob about the news but I decided that I'll make it a surprise when he see the commercial on tv. I still don't know what imma do with kamaree, I could call keanna parents up but I didn't want to be rude but shoot I'm a women I do what's is needed!

~ I went and grabbed the house phone and looked threw our phone book and I found keanna parents number so I called


Me: hello

Voice: hello?

Me: hi mrs Martin How are you?

Mrs Martin: who is this?

Me: oh this is Jacob wife kamora

Mrs Martin: Ohh Keyshia daughter how you doing honey

Me: I'm doing alright how are you

Mrs Martin: well I'm just fine

Me: that's great to hear! Well I just called to give my condolences to your and the family

Mrs Martin: say what now?

Me: oh my condolences I know there was a death in the family and (*she cut me off*)

Mrs Martin: oh no honey there's no death in the family!

Me: oh? Well I'm sorry I was thinking about something else. So your not out of town ?

Mrs Martin: no honey we are right where we always been

Me: oh we'll that wonderful to hear well I had a question, umm i have some business to take care of and I have kamaree here with me(*cuts me off*)

Mrs Martin: my grand baby over there!

Me: yes maman and I was wondering if I could drop her off thursday for a few days until Jacob comes back

Mrs Martin: well of course you gone and bring my baby to me and you go handel business I'll take good care of her

Me: thank you mrs Martin sorry 2 bother you

Mrs Martin: honey no sorry needed you call back any time you hear!

Me: alright

Mrs Martin: alright have a good one

Me: you two (*i hung up the phone and sat it to the side*) out of town my azz (*i got up and began packing my bags*)

Picture Guy from the party ---->

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