Chapter 4

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I rub my eyes, and when I open them they're blue again.

Maybe they were never green, maybe I'm just being paranoid.

I feel my phone vibrate, and I take it out of my pocket.

Text From: ********** 

Hey, it's Theo. Wanna go get some dinner tonight, maybe catch a movie?

I look at my door, then back at my phone.

Text To: **********

I don't know if I can, I got grounded. If we just go to a late movie I could try to sneak out though

I add his number into my contacts, and feel my phone vibrate again.

Text From: Theo

How's ten o'clock work?

I smile to myself. 

Text To: Theo


I throw my phone down on my bed, but pick it up again when I hear it buzz.

Text From: Theo

Do you need a ride?

Crap... didn't think about that.

Text To: Theo

Yeah... meet me at the stop & shop on main street at like 9:30

I don't live too far from Main Street, and my parents won't see his car there.

Text From: Theo

See you then :)

I put my phone down and take a deep breath. "Alright Echo," I say to myself. "Mess this up and you'll never forgive yourself."

I go to my closet and pick out an outfit to change into later, then sit on my bed and start my homework.

Taken (Teen wolf~Dread Doctors)Where stories live. Discover now