Chapter 12

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That day after school I go over to Scott's locker, like I said I would. He shows up a moment later with some guy trailing behind him. "Echo this is Stiles. He's gonna help us out."

I nod and say "can I just go talk to Theo really quick first?"

"Already taken care of."

I nod. "Thanks."

Stiles says "has Theo ever like, done anything suspicious?"

Scott sighs. "Stiles this isn't about finding out what is or isn't wrong with Theo, this is about finding out what this girl is."

He sighs. "Right, right."

"So," I sigh. "How are we gonna do this?"

Scott says "pretty simple actually. Follow." He starts walking, and I follow after him. He brings me out to the lacrosse field, and Stiles grabs a bag from the bleachers. "So we're gonna tie you up and throw lacrosse balls at you."

I sigh. "Why?"

"It'll get you to shift."

"I'm not sure I like this idea."

"Good," Stiles replies. "You're not supposed to like it. It's supposed to make you angry so you shift. And we won't stop until you shift into something that isn't a werejaguar."


Scott steps forward and begins to tie me up with some rope. Once I'm tied, they both step back and take lacrosse sticks out of the bag.

Stiles scoops up a ball in his stick and throws it at me, and it hits me in the gut.

"OW!" My vision sharpens a little.

"Wow," Scott says. "That was a lot quicker than I expected." He drops his stick and walks over to me. He lifts my face up a little and looks into my eyes. "Hmm... you've got blue eyes."

"What's blue mean?"

"You ever killed anyone?"

My eyes widen and I rapidly shake my head. "No! No never in my life!"

"Then you're a werecoyote."

"So I'm a third werejaguar, a third werecoyote, and a third human?"

He shakes his head. "No, no you're half werejaguar half werecoyote. You're not human anymore."

I squeeze my eyes shut and look down at the ground. "Why is this happening to me?" I quietly whisper.

"We haven't got a clue yet. Hopefully we'll find out. C'mon, I'll give you a ride home."

Someone steps onto the field and says "that won't be necessary." It's Theo.

"Hey," I say.

He walks over to me and grabs my hand. "I'll bring her home."

Scott shakes his head. "no no, I've got it. I need to talk to her."

"I need to talk to her too."

I sigh. "I'll be waiting in the parking lot while you two figure this out."

Theo looks at Scott. "I'm her boyfriend, I think I win."

Scott sighs. "Fine."

Stiles says "wait wait wait, we're just gonna let the guy we hardly know take the chimera?"

"Stiles she's my girlfriend, I'm not gonna hurt her," Theo says while putting his arm around my shoulders. He brings me out to the parking lot, and we get into his car. "Figure out what you are?"

I nod. "Werecoyote."

"Stiles's girlfriend is a werecoyote, maybe she could help you out."

"Know any werejaguars?"

He shakes his head. "No, I don't. Sorry."

I sigh. "Figures."

"Werejaguars are actually pretty rare."

I shrug. "Wish they were a little rarer so I wouldn't be one."

He starts the car and pulls out of the parking spot. "I wish there was something I could do."

"Not unless you can change me back to a human."

He shakes his head. "I'm sorry. I wish I could, but I can't."

I sigh. "I know." I stare out the window and we sit in silence until we get to my house. Once we get there I get out of the car, and I feel a raindrop fall from the sky. I wave goodbye to Theo and go inside. I put my bag down on the couch, take out the Dread Doctors book, and go down to my room.

Taken (Teen wolf~Dread Doctors)Where stories live. Discover now