Chapter 8

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The following morning I wake up to my alarm going off. I hit the snooze button and look at the time, 6:45. I only slept for like two hours. Sighing, I get out of bed and grab a change of clothes. I go with casual clothes today. Un-ripped jeans, a plain long -sleeve purple shirt, and a Hollister hoodie. I quickly get dressed then sit on my bed for a moment, and I look at the time. I was so slow getting changed that I took ten minutes, so I don't have any time to eat breakfast. I quickly run out to the living room, and I see my mom standing in the doorway.

"I'm sorry but Echo is grounded, she won't be riding to school with you today."

I look past her and see Theo standing in the doorway. "I'll bring her right home after school then."

She shakes her head. "No, no she isn't spending any time with friends outside of school."

"Mom!" I call out.

"Echo go eat breakfast we're leaving in five minutes."

Theo looks at me. "I guess I'll just see you at school then? I'll wait outside for you."

I sigh. "Why are you here?"

"I was gonna give you a ride to school, but your mother has made it pretty clear that won't be happening."

I sigh. "Mom, just one day? Please?"

My mother shakes her head. "No, you're grounded."

"How long am I grounded for?"

"You were an hour and a half late last night, that's ninety minutes. So, ninety days."

"Mom that's three months!"

"Should've thought about that before staying out late."

"Oh my god mom you're being so unfair!"

"I'm your mother, it's my job to teach you a lesson when it's needed!"

Theo looks at me and says "Echo calm down. Don't get too mad, bad things could happen. I'll see you at school." He turns and gets in his car.

My mom shuts the door and turns to me, taking something out of her pocket. She hands it to me. "You were out late, I just need proof." 

I look down at the object. A pregnancy test. "MOM!"

"I just need proof!"

"I'm sixteen! Do you wanna know what really happened last night? I fell asleep! And I woke up different!"

"Different how?"

Crap. Shouldn't have said that. I sigh. "Mom, you can't freak out at this. You need to promise."

"What's going on?"

"Promise me you won't freak out first."

She sighs. "I-I guess."

"Make me angry."


"Just do it."

"Fine. You're not allowed to go to Beatrix's sleepover next weekend."


"And, I don't think Theo's good for you."

I can tell by the look on her face she's telling the truth, which really pisses me off. My vision slowly becomes sharper, and I can smell a lot more things, and all the rest of my senses heighten.

"E-Echo? What-what's going on? Why is your face like that? What's happening to your eyes?" She begins backing away.

"It's called a chimera. I'm a werejaguar, mom. Well, half werejaguar. The supernatural is real, and some evil scientists captured me in the middle of the night and did this."

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