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"Little boys like playing with fire, don't they?" The man said as he pressed the button.

Screaming was heard from the glass room he was watching.

"I bet they do. So I'll let them play with fire even more." He pressed the button again.

Haru and Kyosuke cried as they got burned. Both of them were curled up in their corners, letting out agonizing screams.

"Did the little boys get enough of fire?" The man asked and he pressed it.

Haru just cried and cried. Why did his burns always heal? Why didn't Kyosukes heal like his? Why?

"I didn't hear a no." The man said with a sick smirk.

More fire and screams. This time Kyosukes was much weaker. The man repeated pressing the button and continued to use the sentence that would burn into Harus head.

Haru ran to him in panic. He put him in his lap to check him. His light blue eyes looked more and more lifeless by the second. Why was he dying? Why couldn't it be him who was healing?

"Why so quiet?" The man with dark brown hair, who Haru guessed was their boss, asked.
Even more burning. This time only Harus scream was heard.

Haru looked at Kyosukes body. It wasn't moving an inch. Not even breathing or a pulse.

"Another failed experiment. Toss him with the others..." The man sighed and ordered.

One of the ladies walked into the glass room with a disinterested face.

"No! I won't let you touch him!" Haru screamed while standing over Kyosukes body, as if he could protect it.

The lady just rolled her eyes and kicked him out of the way. She carried Kyosukes body to a new button, on which you had to enter a password to get to.

A hole opened in the floor of the glass room. When Haru saw what's inside, he let out a scream and ran away in disgust.

In the hole were bodies. So much dead bodies of the children he once saw walk-in around happily in the house. The first body he noticed was Rans, who looked like he had his eyes forcefully pulled out.

The lady threw Kyosukes burned up body into the pile of bodies and bushed the button to close the hole.

"This one was surprisingly successful. Bring him to his cell." He ordered nonchalantly.

The lady nodded and took the now frozen Haru to a new room. There were many children, each in their individual cell. There was something written on each. Haru was thrown into the one where it said 'healing'. The kids next to him had 'sight' and strength'.

He was locked in that cell for a good four weeks. Haru refused to eat, he only blankly looked at one spit of the room the whole day. The only thing he could think was his friends, the stupid and careless choices he made and the dead bodies he saw.

One day he heard the alarms ring loudly. His doors opened automatically. He saw all the other kids running frantically from their cells, but he continued to stare blankly.

That's when a little girl with a cold stare came into his room. She looked like she was one year younger than him. She oy frowned at him and took his hand. He just let himself be carried by her, since he felt like everything was lost anyways.

She took him to the glass room. She typed in the code and pressed the button. The hole in the floor opened. The all familiar stench of death filled the room.

Harus eyes widened and he tried to get the heck away. It was too late though.

"Try to live a normal life after this. Do it for all the lost lives taken by that awful man." She said in the coldest voice possible and pushed him inside the hole.

Haru felt terrified to be there. He looked where his hand was and he saw a decapitated head near it. He shrieked and jumped away. He was standing on so many dead bodies. Some looked fresh and some looked skeletal.

The smell was awful and when the sight was unbearable, he threw up and cried. This was too much for a twelve year old to take.

But soon after he noticed a canal that lead to a potential exit. That's why the girl pushed him here. That's the only way he could escape. Haru knew it was sick to go through all these bodies, but he's going to live for all of them.

As he walked through the exit he saw that it actually lead into river where even more bodies were decapitated. It was on the west side of town, a river nobody even dared to go because of the heavy fake water flow.

He barely walked outside and ran out. He ran as far as he can, just praying he'll see a house before someone from that lab catches him.

Haru finally saw a house. As soon as he was close enough, he collapsed form the exhaustion. A boy walked outside the house.

He didn't look calm or panicked, he just looked neutral. He had dirty blonde hair and dead brown eyes. He looked like he was only nine.

He walked over to Haru, to which he responded with desperately clinging onto his shirt.

"Let me in the house! Please! I don't wanna play with fire anymore!" Haru started to cry and weep.

The boy looked at him. Well, more like stared.

"Get up and go to the house." The boy stated with an emotionless face and motioned towards the house.

"I'm sorry! I... I just wanted to live!" Haru started to cry in front of Saito.

"What?" Saito asked in confusion.

"For them! I have to live their lives! I have to fulfill Rans passion of being a fashion designer! I have to fulfill Kyosukes desire to be the best football player in the world!" He started to shake Saito.

"I still didn't fulfill that!" Haru started to shake again.

"I... I'm not going to report you!" Saito assured, which was the truth.

Haru looked calm for a bit.

"You're lying..." Haru whispered.

Saito didn't have time to process before Haru attacked him.

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