Chapter 16: 'Dance is the only way I can breath'

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It hurt. It hurt worse then the pain of thinking about dying and leaving everything I've ever know behind. My whole body ached, and I couldn't remember anything. I can't remember what had happened to me, and my voice was to weak to use. My mom wasn't here yet and neither was Luke, it was just a scary man in a white doctor's coat that I didn't like very much.  

He was trying to tell me about all my injury's, but I didn't want to know. I just hid my face in the hard hospital pillow, and cried. I wasn't planning on stopping until Luke of my mommy got there. Luke arrived first, he quickly came in and dismissed the doctor.

"Harley, baby girl, I'm here. It's okay." He said, starting to rub my back. I slowly turned around to him, wincing as the pain shot up through my legs and to my back. "Are you okay? Are you in pain?" Luke asked frantically after seeing me wince. I shook my head no, my voice still being to weak to use. Actually, I'm not even sure if it still worked.

Luke just smiled, lightly smoothing my messy hair back from my face. Hey, if you had been in a coma for a month too you're hair wouldn't look so pretty either. Although, right now I didn't really care what my hair looked like, all I cared about was my legs. They felt extremely heavy, so heavy I couldn't move them even with the small amount of strength I had left. I looked at Luke and pointed to my legs, as if it was a way of asking him what was wrong.

"Bug, you have a cast. You're right leg is broken and three of you're toes are broken on you're left foot." He explained, with a look on his face that said it hurt him as much as it hurt me. My bottom lip began to quiver and my eyes started to water. I think Luke knew exactly what I was upset about. "I'm so sorry Har, no dance for quite a while." I shook my head, not wanting to believe what he said.

There was no way I could survive with out dance, it wasn't even an option. I turned back over, putting my head in the pillow again and crying. Luke started to rub my back again, knowing there wasn't much he could do about the situation. "D-dance is th-the only way I-I can-n breath." I stuttered out, my voice being raspy and weak barley above a whisper.

{{ A/N: Finally an update!!! So sorry about this extremely short chapter, the next one will be ten times better and ten times longer! But, happy Thanksgiving to anyone who celebrates it!! }}

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