Chapter 21: 'It's MY Birthday!"

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I never thought that I'd actually be wanting my brother to leave and go on tour. But right now, I did. Mostly because it meant I got rid of Ariella. She's been here for so long, I don't know why everyone else is just putting up with it. Recently it hasn't been that bad though, I was spending so much time hanging out with Michael that I didn't really notice her anymore. Mikey seemed to be more of a big brother than Luke was.

Right now, I was getting ready for my tenth birthday party. The boys and my mother insisted on me having a big party since I was going to be in the double digits now, but I just wanted to hang out with family. Maybe it was because I knew that no one that was invited would actually come. Ever since the accident, me and Kenzie grew apart. It kind of just happened, but we never really hang out anymore. It's weird because I thought we would be friends forever, but apparently not.

My blonde hair was curled and put up into a half pony tail with a light pink bow. The bow matched the pink flowers that were on my dress. I usually loved dressing up, but I honestly didn't know who was going to be at this party, and that made it a little weird. What if they invited a lot of people that didn't show? That would be so upsetting....

I was surprised when I got to the party and a lot of the girls from my school were there. Wait.... Why was I surprised? Of course people would show up, 5sos was there. That might upset me even more than people just not showing up at all. Sometimes I hated that they were famous, or that people actually knew I was Luke's little sister now. It was times like this I wished I could go back and change it all. But I couldn't.

I finally walked away from the stairs, going into the main room of our house where all the people were. Most of the girls in my grade were here, I guess mum invited them. There was only one person that I actually wanted there; Kenzie. I looked around, hoping to find her somewhere, but instead I ended up locking eyes with Ariella. Of course she was here. I looked away almost immediately, walking over to a few girls that I was almost positive hated me.

"Happy birthday, Har!" Kriss giggled, wrapping her arms around me in a big hug. I wasn't exactly in a cheery mood right now, even though I should be. So, I just hugged her back and whispered a small 'thank you' so I didn't seem rude. We ended up talking for a few minutes, mostly about 5sos. Which is typical. I never really expect anything different. I eventually got sick of the conversation, so I politely excused myself and went to find Mikey.

"Mikey!!!" I giggled, jumping up to hug him once I finally found him in the sea of friends and family members. He hugged me back for a few seconds before putting me back onto the ground.

"Little bug, how are you liking your party? I know your mum worked really hard on this."

I smiled and nodded, assuring him it was good. "It's pretty good. There are lots of people here." I'm pretty sure he could see right through my lies though, at least that's what the look he gave me said.

"You'll be okay, little one. It's almost eight and I think your mum wanted everyone gone by then." I looked around, noticing that some people had started to leave. "Where's Luke? I haven't seen him since yesterday morning... And that's weird cause we live in the same house."

"Um, I'm not exactly sure about that. I can help you find him if you want." I nodded, hoping that I could get away from some of the people for a little bit.

"I haven't seen him down here, so I'm gonna go check his. I'll be right back!" Running up the stairs before I even finished the sentence, I ran to Luke's room and lightly knocked on the door before opening it.

I don't know what I was expecting, but I definitely didn't expect to see my big brother kissing his girlfriend. "S-sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. I'm going back downstairs." I whispered, starting to walk back towards the door. I don't know why it upset me so much, but it did. Maybe because it's my tenth birthday and my brother never even said happy birthday. Or because I'm actually having a birthday party that I never wanted to have in the first place, and he didn't even bother to walk down the stairs and say hi for a few minutes.

While I knew it was rude, I wasn't in the mood for being around a lot of people so I just ran back to my room and slammed the door closed. Ripping the bow out of my hair and successfully giving myself a headache, I threw myself onto the bed and cried into my pillow. What changed? What do I do? It seemed that just a few weeks ago me and Luke were extremely close and now he just acts like I'm his annoying little sister that he doesn't even care about. It seems I'm just not really made to have friends. Mikey probably doesn't even actually want to hang out with me, he probably just does it cause he feels he has too. I mean, what twenty year old wants to hang out with a ten year old all the time?

A few minutes later I heard a knock on the door before it opened. "Harley, what's wrong? What was that?" Luke asks.

"Go away, I don't want to talk to you!" If I was looking at him, I bet he probably looked upset. Or not, cause it seems he doesn't like me anymore.

"Harley, I don't get why your so upset with me." Yup, that's it. Either I'm being crazy for being upset about this, or he's stupid for not realizing that he really hurt my feelings.

"Oh, I can explain it to you," I paused to push myself up so I was sitting and glaring at him. "Today's MY birthday. And you never even wished me happy birthday. Or even came down to my birthday party to say hi." I crossed my arms over my chest. He didn't seem sorry, but maybe he was and I just couldn't tell. I didn't wait for him to answer, instead I just got up and grabbed his wrist as I dragged him to the door of my room. "Now, how about you leave and go pack for tour, because the sooner your gone the better!"

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