Chapter 3: Heartbreak.

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*Hyun Rae's POV*

After doing my usual morning routine I made my way down hoping to find mom's delicious food waiting for me on the table.
Instead I find a note. What... ...

Good morning my dear kids. Sorry but mommy had some business to take care over in Japan. I'm sorry for not telling you kids earlier. I should be back next week. I've left some money on the table. Do use it wisely. Do not even think of throwing a party while I'm gone. Understand. Especially you Jimin. Mom loves you both. Don't kill each other! And please don't burn down the house. Stay safe. Love you.
~Birth giver~

"Welp looks like Mom won't be in! Paaaaartaaay!!!" Jimin exclaimed. I got startled. I didn't even know he was standing there. Jesus. "Oppa listen to mom." I said sternly. He just sighed and nod. "Good. Now come let me cook you something." I said as I was walk into the kitchen. I cooked some bacon and scrambled eggs. I placed everything neatly on the table with 2 glasses of orange juice and I took a seat across Oppa and started digging into my food. "Thanks sis for the breakfast. I don't know what I would do without you." Oppa said while smiling. I just smiled back as I finished my food.

"Oppa~~~ We're gonna be late! Let's go" I said after getting my stuff and I waited outside for him. He didn't respond. I gave it 5 minutes. Still no response. "Ooppppaaa!!!" I said a little louder this time. Still nothing. Whats wrong. I decided to go and check on him.I put my bag on the couch and I searched the lower level. No sign of him. I went upstairs and went into his room. "OPPPA!!!" I screamed as I saw him lying on his bed with his eyes closed. How could he be sleeping. Ugh. He didn't budge even after calling him a bunch of times. I went closer and I saw that he had dried tears on his face. Omo. Oppa. "Oppa?" I called out softer. I went and sat next to him and held his hand. "Oppa. What's wrong. What happened?" I asked as I squeezed his had a little. "She.. She.. Cheated on me Hyunnie.." Oppa said with a shaky voice. He has a girlfriend. Well had.Who dat bitch that hurt my Oppa.. "Who was she oppa?" I decided not to curse in front of him but damn my blood was boiling."Her name is Lee Maeri. We've been dating for almost 9 months now. I've heard people say that she's just trouble. But I didn't care. I only loved her and only her. Just then I got a text from an unknown number. I saw a picture of Maeri and some other guy kissing in a cafe...." Oppa broke down again. That bitch. How dare she hurt my oppa.Wait...9 Months?!! Why didn't oppa tell me about her..Sigh calm down Hyunnie.. Now is not the time for questioning him..give him comfort.I gave him a tight hug. He was startled at first but soon after he hugged me back. He was crying as I embraced him. I gave him comforting words and hugged him tighter.. He must have really liked this girl..I've never seen oppa cry for a girl this much before....I hugged him for almost 5 minutes. Until he let go. "Dongsaeng-ah you're gonna be late. Why not you go ahead to school. I think I'll skip today. Don't worry I'll ask someone to walk with you. Don't worry you know them. Hyunnie if anyone asks for me just say that I'm sick. Only if the guys ask then tell them. And only them okay?" Oppa said as he wiped his tears away. "Ne oppa. You take care okay.." I said patting his head he just nod then gave me a kiss on the forehead. "Oh oppa,who would I be walking with?" I asked as I looked back at him. "You'll be walking with Namjoon,Hana and Taehyung." He said with a small smile. I was okay with walking with them. At least Hana and I can do some talking while the boys talk among themselves. I made. My way downstairs grabbing my bag and I waited for them. After about 5 minutes I saw Taehyung walking.. Alone?

"Hey." Taehyung said as he waved at me. "Uh hey. I thought Namjoon and Hana were supposed to walk with us?" I ask as we made our way out of the porch and into the streets. "Both Namjoon and Hana are part of the student council . They had a meeting early today so they told me to escort you instead." Taehyung replied showing me a rectangular smile. I just nod and we walked in silence. Until he broke it. "Uh would you like for me to carry your bag for you?" He asked just like how Jungkook asked. "No that's okay but thanks for the offer though." I replied with a smile he just nod and then silence again. "Wanna see something cool?" Taehyung asked out of the blue. "Uh yeah sure." He removed his blazer and pointed to his arm. What was this guy up to."As you can see here there's 2 moles right." He said pointing to the 2 moles. I nodded. "Well when I pinch them...*pinch* ta-da..An elephant!" He said as he made weird elephant noises. I started laughing. That was really cute tbh.

We were laughing and making jokes while we were walking and we didn't even realize that we've reached school. "Hey wanna come with me to the rooftop with the other guys,since all the teachers are in a meeting and we have the first and second period free?" Taehyung asked. "Yeah I'd love to!" I replied smiling. I'm excited to see everyone again. We made our way to the rooftop while laughing and giggling. I really like them..They're better than the friends that I had in my other school..

We opened the door and was greeted by the warm sunlight. The sunlight somehow makes me happy..I guess I'm a sun child xD...Everyone was already there except for Namjoon,Hana and of course Oppa..

Both Taehyung and I greeted everyone and we all sat in a circle. "So Rae..where's Jimin?" Jin asked with a confused look. "Um...Well I'm sure you guys know his girlfriend right?" I asked they all nod and asked me to continue. How do I put this into words...."Well..she cheated on him with some other bastard..." They all had a shocked expression on their faces. I guess they too couldn't believe someone would be so cruel to actually do that to oppa."I can't believe that she would actually do that..I mean..she was always so sweet..even when she was around us..." Jin said as he stared out into space. Wow..I guess she was a nice person..The rest of them just kept quiet. Until Namjoon and Hana came bursting in."Ayyyy wassup everyone!!" Hana said excitedly. Everyone just nod. I guess they were still bummed out.."Hey what's wrong?" Hana whispered to me. "uh...Maeri cheated on Jimin..." I whispered back. "Oh.." I just nod and the rest just sighed.."That bitch." Hana muttered. "Rae....could you follow me for a sec?" Hana asked as she stood up. I just nod and followed her.

"Hey what's up?" I asked as we made our way to the edge of the roof. "Well..the guys think that Maeri is some angel..But I now her true colors." I gave her a confused look. True colors?....Whaat.."Well I was hanging out with Jimin as he said he wanted to get a gift for Maeri for their anniversary. So he wanted my opinion on what to get her. Once we were done shopping I got a text from her. She said that if I don't stay away from her 'oppa' she was gonna do something bad. I just shrugged it off.I didn't take her seriously case I thought that she was just kidding. Then I got another text from her..Don't think that I'm an innocent girl that wont hurt you..or that puppy that I keep around with me..Also known a Jimin. My blood was boiling when she told me that..Like . I decided to tell Jimin about this but he told me that I was talking crap. The next day came and Maeri cornered me and well she and her little group of bitches beat me up for telling Jimin about it.Since that day I've never liked her and since that day I've kept my distance from Jimin. I told Namjoon about it. He promised not to tell anyone..Thankfully...I'm telling you this cause're his sister and well..even if I've kept my distance from him I still care about him..." Hana concluded. My mouth was slightly agape...What the actual fuck.. Hana just chuckled at my reaction..."Come on let's go..the boys might be wondering where we are.." She said as she dragged me back there. We sat back down there with everyone else."So Hana why didn't you tell us she was a bitch that beat you up?" Jimin oppa said from no where. My eyes widened..."O-oppa??" I asked obviously dumbfounded at what he was doing here.."Yes it's me..And I arrived when Hana was telling you about her story..." Oppa said looking at me then at Hana. Everyone else remained silent."Well Hana...??" Oppa asked again..Hana just kept quiet and looked down. "Hana..." Oppa said softly as he went closer to her. "Uh..let's give them some space." Namjoon said as he ushered all of us out. I sighed as well and just left them there.

*Hana's POV*

"Why didn't you tell me..." Jimin asked again. Come on don't let the tears fall. Why am I even crying in the first place.."I did tell you..You just decided to ignore me.." I said almost whispering. I still haven't made any eye contact with him."//sigh// I'm sorry Hana...for not believing you..I truly am sorry." I could hear the sincerity in his voice.. I guess he truly is sorry..."Hana...why did you still care for me..even if she told you to stay away...?" Jimin asked as he lifted up my chin to make me look at him..Should I tell him the real reason. Yes.. No..What if he stays away and thinks I'm a creep..What if he hates me...But what if he accepts me...

"J-Jimin...the reason I still cared was because.....

~~Muahaha cliffhanger...Whatcha guuys think about this chappie?? Thanks for reading everyone!! Don't forget to vote for BTS for the MAMA awards. Oh and do read my bae's story. It's called Coincidence. You can find it on my reading list! Don't forget to Vote,Comment and share!.~~

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