Chapter 6: Pain.

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I woke up at the crack of dawn due to the sound of my oppa singing his high notes in the shower.

I truly love my brother singing. I think he has an amazing voice.But him waking me up from my beauty sleep is just unacceptable.

I pulled away the covers and groaned as I got out of bed. The time was only 6a.m. I drew the curtains back and let the morning sun shine through. It wasn't that bright today morning. I stretched and got my phone from under the pillow. I saw that I got 2 text messages and 3 notifications.

I checked my messages first. One was from Taehyung. I smiled as I saw his name there. The other was from a unknown number.. Hmm I wonder who that other number is..

I decided to have my bath first. As I was showering I heard a knock on my room door. "Ugh can't I shower in peace -_-" I muttered as I got my towel and around my self. It must be oppa cause well he's the only one at home. I didn't mind him seeing me in a towel since he's seen me in one a billion times.

"Whaaaaaat" I whined as I opened my door. My eyes widened as I saw that it was not my lovely brother. "Uh..I'll come back later." the boy said and ran away. I shut my door, ran on my bed and screamed into my pillow. URRRGGHH... This is so embarrassing!! I returned to the shower to finish up my shower.

*Jungkook's POV*

Last night I texted Rae and asked her if we could walk together.She hasn't text me back.. Oh wait. She doesn't have my number. Aish Paboya.. I really like her..But it also seems that she likes Taehyung... I sighed a I made my way to their house.

I knocked on the door a couple of times and then Jimin hyung came out and greeted me. We went up to his room and chilled for a lil till Rae comes out. "So..Kookie. You like my sis huh?" hyung said as he smirked. "W-what..-n-noo.." yeah I'm sure he believed that..good job, Jungkook, good job."Yah don't try and hide it dongsaeng!" Hyung ruffled my hair. I smacked his hand away."Hyuuunngg! My haair!! Wae hyung waaae!!" I tried to fix my hair again. "Yah stop pouting! Go ask Rae if she's done while I go and prepare breakfast." hyung said as he walked out. "N-ne" I shouted loud enough for him to hear me. I have to ask her...does she even know I'm here? I made my way to her room. I knocked on her door a couple of times.. There was no answer. i figured that she must be still in the shower.

As I was about to leave I heard her whining. Ahh she sounds so cute when she whines. Soon she opened the door...shit

.......My eyes went wide as I just saw her there..standing in her towel...Fuck.."Uh..I'll come back later." I quickly said as I ran down stairs. Oh mai gawd. I could tell my face was red. "Why is your face red?" hyung said out of no where. "Uh yeah hyung I'm good!" I lied. "hmm alright then where's Hyunnie?" fuck he's asking about her. "uh she's getting ready.." no Jungkook she was showering.. "Alight then.Let'sgohave breakfast then.." he dragged me to the dining table. As I was about to start eating that's when Rae came down. We avoided eye contact. Well duhh. Now she might think I'm some sort of pervert... Aishh

*Rae' POV*

As we were eating breakfast neither Jungkook nor I made eye contact. I'm sure oppa noticed but kept quiet about it.. //Sigh. Once I was done and so were the boys I decided to finally check my messages. As I sat on the couch I opened my inbox and saw Taehyung's one first.

~Annyeongggg! Tae tae here xDD heh...just wanted to say hi..oh and uh...thank you for hanging out with me. I really had a good time with you..:DD~

-Kim Taetae-

Aww... I'm glad he had a good time. He's so quirky. And Adorable.... ~( o - o)~

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