America Plays Chess

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During that same day, Russia just finished his paperwork and was bored, so he decided to play a "friendly" chess match with America.

Japan's P.O.V

During the afternoon, I just finished my paperwork I went to the living room to see America and Russia playing chess.

When I came closer I saw that America was... Winning!?, "America-san you know how to pray(play) chess ?" I asked "Dude, of course!, I love strategy games." He answered.

They were gonna start a new game when the others came down to watch the game.

They started to bet that Russia would win... Loudly, I could feel America smirking.

I bet that America would win...

They started to laugh saying that am I sure or that I'm wasting my money.

But there laughter died when America said...


I went back to my room with money in my pocket that day. ;)

Russia's P.O.V

I decided to follow America when he stood up and went outside to his garden. He went through elaborate paths that would make sure you would get lost if you didn't know the way.

When he noticed me following him he asked "Do you want to see the sunflower fields?" "Da!" I immediately answered, excited to see my favorite flowers.


I'm so sorry this one is short the next chapter shall be published shortly also,

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