Lack of sleep does THIS...

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As you all know last night everyone wasn't able to sleep (except Germany) thanks to a gruesome scene they saw last night and this is what happened the next day.

~Day 4~ Morning
Germany's P.O.V

I woke up with Italy cuddled in my arms this morning, remembering what happened...


Last night Italy came running to my room slamming the door, while screaming "DOITSU!!!! SAVE ME!!!!"
"From what?" I asked since I was used to Italy being like this, "From the chainsaw wielding maniac!!!"

I invited him over to my bed, guessing the others went to see whatever is inside the basement and didn't like it.

He fell asleep in God only knows what time, since I fell asleep earlier than him.

Flashback~END YEAH!

I tried to wake up Italy, but he wouldn't budge until I said "If you don't wake up this instant, NO PASTA for a week." He started to get up but something seems off...

He scowled at me which reminded me so much of his older brother, and started to get up saying "I'm up, happy now? Potato bastard." And proceeded to go outside.

That left me shocked, Italy never cusses especially at me I decided to ignore it and went to my usual morning activities.

When I left my room I noticed almost everyone is either really paranoid or really grumpy. I went closer to Japan but stopped when I was faced with a katana on my chest.

"Sorry, Germany-san I thought you were hording (holding) a chainsaw." He said while slowly lowering his sword...

"What are you talking about?" I asked Japan, that's when he told me of what he and the others did and what they saw.

Proving my suspicions true I went to the only person that could help... America, I know believe it or not but he caused this in the first place he should know how to fix it.

I knocked at his room, after waiting for a few seconds he opens his room surprised to see me of all people.

America's P.O.V

I opened the door to see Germany, a person I would never expect to knock on my door.

"America we have to talk." He said I invited him inside, he told about the others seeing... Disturbing... Images in the basement and that they didn't get much sleep and are all grumpy.

"Dude!, that's all!?, you know I could always make them forget." I said to him then proceeded to take this neat gadget that tony made to make people forget from my closet.(Men in Black reference ;) )

I told him to gather everyone to the living room while I told him my plan...

Third person's P.O.V

Everyone was situated in the living room, sitting on couches but obviously tense.

As America opened the door everyone stood up with there weapons at the ready but calmed down when they saw that it was only him in cool shades

"Good, this makes it much easier..." Was all America said when he flashed them with the device... "You saw nothing last night." He then added.

Then he went to his room to take a nap for tonights activities, leaving the dazed countries in his living room.

Hi! I don't think this one is really good but I hope you like it and next would be about Camping with America,

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