The Wilderness

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America gets ready for the night of no technology, which is also known as camping...

~Day 4~ Evening
Third person's P.O.V

The countries got over the fact of not remembering anything from last night, when they opened the basement door. It was already 7'o clock.

America was getting ready to camp in the forests surrounding his house, America does this every month for 3 days and 2 nights to remind himself of the old days where there's no WiFi and other convenient and modern resources.

When they others heard this they also wanted to join or more like Italy begged Germany,& Japan, China, and Russia were curious, and France and England wanted to relive their life without technology before.

America and the others went out into the wilderness.

Sorry this one is short but it's like a filler chapter for the next 3-4 chapters after this, next chapter would be longer. And also,

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