Explanations & Lists 2

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During the afternoon on that same day America went to his garden to pick flowers and made a phone call to his president about Mexico and that he needs to update his security system.

~Day 2~ Afternoon
England's P.O.V

I'm still trying to recover what I saw this morning, I knew when America was a young colony he could toss a buffalo around. What I didn't expect is that when he grew up he could carry around a whale like it weighed nothing.

I was passing by America's room, hearing him talking to the phone "Yes, So... I'am allowed to... Hmm, okay I won't hurt him only scare, right!, thanks boss." Then he hung up the phone.

"Hi! England what brings you here?, I gotta go somewhere I'll be back, Tell the others to help themselves to the fridge." He says not even letting me answer.

When he left, that's when I noticed that he was holding a metal bat...

America's P.O.V

I was going to Mexico's house to remind him of what's gonna happen if he tries to steal Texas again. I kicked open his door and threw my bat right beside his face.

The bat embedded itself on the wall making Mexico tremble I came closer and whispered to his ear "Break into my house again I'll make sure next time it would hit your face..." After that I just took my bat from the wall and walked out.

~at home~
England's P.O.V

When America arrived everyone was looking at him curiously (except Germany, he read the list) because I told France of what I heard in the phone and he told everybody... Stupid frog.

"America, where have you been?"

"I went to see Mexico, why is there a problem?"


"I'll be in the garden if you need me."

Our conversation went like that. He went to his garden leaving us inside, I was sort of dazed from what happened I snapped out of it when the frog touched my arse... I punched him in the face. :)

Russia's P.O.V

I saw America putting sunflowers in a vase on the small desk I have, he didn't seem to notice I was there.

He turned around, about to live that was when he saw me, "Dude, hope you like the flowers." He said to me while leaving my room.

Third person's P.O.V

America was playing car toss... Actually it was a chore that he decided to turn into a game, he was supposed to throw the old cars away, but he just tossed it as far away as he can(now there's a car in space), not really finishing the chore. ;)

After that he just updated his security, made dinner, ate with everybody and went to sleep getting ready for tomorrow's movie night.


Hi! Readers thank you for supporting me on this story, next chapter is gonna be about the movie and the curious countries in the basement also,

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