Chapter 2

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Calum's POV

I was sitting at the bar waiting for a friend of my mine to meet me, i looked around and it was pretty empty, but thats why i liked it, it gave you peace and quite to think, it was somewhere you could escape for a few hours and just get away from everything.

Sadly i wasn't in London for long, i had only been here for a few days and i was on the next flight out tomorrow, i only came here because of work commitments but i thought i could have a catch up with a friend of mine while i was here, who seemed to be running very late.

I heard the door of the bar squeak open, i turned around to find a girl with long brown hair, in black boots and black skinny jeans with a baggy navy t-shirt stumble in, she was gorgeous to say the least. I went to turn back around as i didn't want her to catch me staring when i noticed something wasn't right about the girl, she was leaning against the wall and using it to drag herself along, thats when i looked down at her hand which was gripping onto her stomach, there was blood all over her t-shirt and running down her fingers.

I leaped out of my seat at the bar and rushed over to the girl shouting for help as i did so. When i reached the girl she was beginning to fall to the ground, so i grabbed her and helped her stand again.

"What happened!?" The girl turned her head towards me, almost confused to what was happening, she began to fall again "someone call an ambulance!" The girl grabbed onto my arm, her grip getting tighter, she looked completely frightened.

"They know, they know" she mumbled barely even audible, she was looking me dead in the eye and i was trapped in her gaze.

"Who know? What do they know" the girl lent towards me slowly, until our faces were inches apart.

"They are going to kill me" she whispered, i stopped for a moment processing her words, i didn't have a clue what this girl was going on about but i could tell she was in danger and someone wanted her out of the picture. Suddenly the bar maid rushed over, she was about the same age as the girl i was holding up and she was clearly in a state of panic.

"Madison!" The blonde haired girl shouted, she held onto the girls face with both hands bringing her face to look up at her own. "Look at me Madison, what happened, are you ok?!" She was panicking looking for an answer to what was wrong with the girl.

The brown haired girl who i had learnt was called Madison, looked down towards her bleeding stomach moving her hand out of the way to find the source of the bleeding, it looked like she had been stabbed in the stomach, the blonde haired girl gasped and tears began to form in her eyes. Madison then looked at the blonde girl and spoke clearly and firmly for the first time since she had stumbled in.

"They know Ashley, they know" and without another word she slid down the wall, with me being her only form of support.


Madison's POV

When i awoke i found myself on floor, with a boy looking over me, he had black hair and brown eyes and was wearing black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt with tattoos littering his body. I looked to my other side to find one of my best friends Ashley looking at me. I then realised what had happened and remembered what i needed to tell her I shot up, which wasn't the best move seen as i have just been stabbed and any slight movement sent me into complete agony but i couldn't think about that right now, i had to warn her.

"I think you should lay back down, the ambulance is on its way" the voice was coming from the black haired boy beside me, i looked at him confused to what was happening, he rolled his eyes at me when i ignored his request "its okay, I'm Calum and I'm going to need you to lay back down" he smiled lightly at me but the smile seemed forced. He tried to push me back down, i shuck him off me and turned to Ashley.

"You need to go, you need to get out of here tonight, they know Ashley, we are all in danger" she was currently crying and holding my hand.

"You come with me then?" She looked scared and all i felt was guilt, it was my fault she was in this position.

"I can't" i shuck my head "they will come looking for me first, I'm the one they want, and I can't have any of you with me if they find me"

"Madison, please I'm not leaving you, especially not in this state" she was now hugging me which hurt a little, but i still hugged her back.

"You don't have a choice if you want to live" i whispered into her ear "now go, I'll warn the others, go!" She nodded pulling away from me, i smiled at her as she gave my hand one last squeeze before standing up and walking out the back door.

I sighed pulling myself up, luckily the knife didn't go to far in otherwise i wouldn't be able to stitch this up by myself, i couldn't go the hospital thats the first place they will look for me. The boy beside me then grabbed my arm i think he said his name was Calum and tried to keep me on the floor.

"I don't think thats a good idea love, you need medical help" the boy looked extremely worried which was sweet but extremely inconvenient, i needed to get out of here.

"I'm fine, its just a scratch" i lied as i pushed myself up to stand, with Calum's help, once i was up he let go of my arm.

"I doubt you get that much blood from just a scratch" he looked frowned at me, clearly not convinced.

"Thank you for your concern but I'm fine trust me" as i finished speaking paramedics rushed threw the door, i covered the blood stain and injury with my arm "sorry guys false alarm, i just fainted and Calum over here panicked, its happened before everything's ok, sorry for wasting your time" i began to walk out the door when one of the one of the paramedics stopped me.

"Well lets just get you checked out while we're here, just come sit down" he said as he tried to lead me to a chair, i removed his arm from my shoulder and looked up at the tall man.

"I said I'm fine, i do not need nor want your help, have a nice day sir" as i turned to walk out the door i caught Calum's eye and gave him a light smile thanking him for not saying anything, he only looked at me confused as to why i would not accept the help, he just didn't understand and that was for the best, i couldn't put anyone else in danger.

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