chapter three

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"Let's start with the basics." He said as he cleared his voice "how old are you?"

"Jeez. Wow. That is such a stupid question but, I'm 23. What about you?"

"I'm 24." He said and he smiled at me "so uhm, do you have any siblings?"

"No. I don't have any siblings."

"Oh wait, at the coffee shop, you said you were alone. Well what about your parents? Did they die or something?"

Ugh. My parents. The thought of them makes me sick. "Uh no... they aren't dead. But they're dead to me."

"What? Why?" He said. I can see that he was shocked, well he shouldn't be. Isn't it obvious?

"Well let me tell you about my tragic back story... you see when my parents sent me off to college, I lost contact with them. I don't know if they changed their phone number or something, but anyways, as years passed... I still haven't heard a single word from them. When I was about to graduate, I went home to surprise them but sadly, I was the one who was surprised. As soon as I got off the cab, all I saw was this old abandoned house that has a "For Sale" sign on the yard. I asked our neighbors, and they said that, my parents left as soon as they dropped me at school. Tragic right? Well I don't if they're dead or something, but I don't care anymore. I learned how to take care of myself and that's what's important right?" He just nodded "what about you what's your tragic back story?"

"Oh me? Well it's not so tragic actually." He said as he took a slice of pizza while I took a bite on my burger "I have a father and a mother, of course. My father was part of the navy, and he always got destined in other places in this world. He got destined in the Philippines where he met my mom. And so yeah they had me and all. But when I was 20 I decided to run away, I bought myself plane tickets and I took myself here and left everything behind."

"So... you just abandoned your family just like that?"

"Well yeah... but, here's the thing. They never tried to find me. They never tried to do something. It's been 4 years and I'm still not getting any missing person reports."

"I'm sorry about that." I said

"It's okay. I'm sorry about you too."

"Cheers to us." I said as he raised his glass and we toasted

"What's your job by the way?" He asked

"I'm a nurse." I said "what about you?"

"I'm a graphic artist."

"Wow that's cool! Could you like draw me or something?" He smiled creepily

"What why?"

"Just like what Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio did?"

"UGH YOU PERVERT!" As I took a pillow and smashed it in his face. He took a pillow too and we had a mini pillow fight.

Fun times.

Maybe that lasted for a whole 20 minutes. And at that very moment everything slowed down for a second, I observed his smile, it's nice, it's the nicest smile that I've ever seen. His eyes, his deep brown eyes, his perfectly aligned teeth. This. Everything right now. And him, it made me really happy that he stopped me from killing myself.

And everything came back to normal. He both laid down and laughed.

"I never laughed this much since I left home. And I never had such a great time like this." He said, he smiled and he turned to me. "You make me feel like I'm home." And then he sat up and stretched his arms out.

I sat up too and pointed to his arms "W-why are you...?"

And then he just grabbed me and hugged me.

"I'm going to hug you so tight that your broken pieces will be back together again." He said as he hugged me tighter. He looked at me. "Don't you wanna put me back together again too?" He said.

Well... he's already hugging me and what's the point if I said no?

And then I hugged him back.

And then the song stay, filled the whole room.

And folks, I call this moment: magical.

Broken PiecesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon