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Introvert- A term introduced by the psychologist Carl Jung to describe a person whose motives and actions are directed inward. Introverts tend to be preoccupied with their own thoughts and feelings and minimize their contact with other people. (Compare extrovert.)

Extrovert-  The Real Difference Between Introverts and Extroverts. There are a lot of misunderstandings about what introversion and extroversion actually mean. To many people, being an extrovert means you're outgoing, and being an introvert means you're shy.

Aries: extrovert
Taurus: both
Gemini: extrovert
Cancer: introvert
Leo: extrovert
Virgo: introvert
Libra: extrovert
Scorpio: introvert
Sagittarius: extrovert
Capricorn: introvert
Aquarius: both
Pisces: introvert

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