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Aries: eats the whole bar on the way home from the shop
Taurus: loves good chocolate, especially if it is in expensive packaging
Gemini: chooses their chocolate by taking a bite out of each piece
Cancer: makes even the smallest bar last for at least a month
Leo: likes to be in charge of dividing up the chocolate
Virgo: cuts their chocolate into bite size pieces with a knife and a fork
Libra: chooses two bars; one for themselves and one for you both to share
Scorpio: loves to smear chocolate all over their partner then lick it off
Sagittarius: will only eat imported chocolate
Capricorn: likes to be seen eating only the best and most expensive chocolate
Aquarius: loves chocolate- but likes to think the actually prefer carob health bars
Pisces: shares their chocolate and forgets to leave some for themselves

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