six: taking sides

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six: taking sides

"You shouldn't be so hard on him, you know?" Harry says quietly, looking at Zayn for a second before turning his attention back to the road. Zayn had yet to say a single word since the diner, a rather hard look on his face as he stared out the window.

"I have a right to be upset with him, Harry."

"I know you do and I'm upset with him too... Im just saying you shouldn't be so hard on him."

"I'm not. I'm just doing what I feel is right and right now that means taking him to court. He wouldn't be allowing me to take the boys for the next few days if you hadn't told him I was getting a lawyer. Even you know it's true." Zayn points out, earning a soft sigh from Harry before the younger nods.

"Louis has never been one for conflict, but at least he's letting you see the boys."

"Only because I threatened him."

"I know, I'm just saying that at least he's letting you see them. He's just as stubborn as you are, but you have a right to be. I'm not justifying his actions, I'm just saying be happy that he actually let you see the boys. I personally see that as a victory." Harry says quietly, not really knowing where he was going with any of this. He wasn't in their shoes, he didn't know how Louis felt or how Zayn felt... but in a way he knew kind of how Zayn felt. He loved the twins just as much as Zayn did, it had nearly crushed him when Louis left him behind.

Harry still didn't know why.

"I guess you can look at it that way, but that still doesn't give him the right to do what he did. I'm half tempted to just keep the boys until he decides to f ucking grow up and tell me why he left." Zayn says bitterly, surprising Harry a little by what he'd just said. Harry had to admit, he knew that Zayn would probably consider keeping the boys... He just didn't think he'd say it out loud. Harry doesn't know what to say to that though, mainly due to the fact that he felt like it wouldn't be fair of Zayn to do that...

But then again, Louis wasn't being fair either.

"You do realize by doing that... You're basically doing exactly what he did to you..."

"Exactly, give him a taste of his own medicine."

"He's not going to react well to that, Zayn. If you have any hope of the two of you getting back together, I would seriously advise against doing that." Zayn scoffs at that, shaking his head a little before glaring out the window. He couldn't help the anger that suddenly bubbled to the surface, his conversation with Louis earlier flashing through his mind again. He didn't get why Louis left, he didn't get why Louis made him feel like he was actually getting a chance...

He just didn't get it.

And it made Zayn angry.

"I don't want to get back together. I honestly don't want anything to do with him anymore, but unfortunately that's not going to happen because we have two kids together. If I want to see my kids, I have to see him and deal with the fact that he took everything away from me, not only once but twice. He has no regard for how others feel, he honestly just uses the twins as an excuse to do whatever he wants. Everything he does, be it bad or not he always says how it's for the kids. It's not for the f ucking kids, it's for himself and he's so f ucking selfish. He doesn't give a shit about me or how I felt, hell he didn't even give a shit about you. He left us, Harry. He left without a second though and he wasn't going to come back, I don't care if you think he was because I know better than that. He wasn't going to come back the first time either, he would've never told me where he was and you know that too. He was perfectly fine pretending that those boys weren't my sons, he was fine pretending like you were their father not me. He never wanted to give me a chance, he just said he would in hopes that I would f uck up and give him another reason to run. The problem here is, I didn't give him a f ucking reason to run this time. He just left, he made me think that he loved me back... he pretended like he wanted us to be a family... and then he left. He left." Zayn's voice cracks as he finishes speaking and it took everything in him not to break down into tears. Zayn had been holding it all in for the past two months, he hadn't told anyone this... not even Robbie and now he felt vulnerable again.

"He did leave because of you, but it wasn't for the reason that you think. He... Look, he loves you too. He won't admit it to himself, let alone you but I've known Louis for my entire life and I know when he's in love with someone. He left because he got scared and I know that's a really shitty reason to leave and take your kids away... but it's all I got. I don't think he meant to hurt you, Zayn... but I think he.. He did what he thought was best for him and the boys. I know that doesn't make sense, but trust me when I say that he loves you too... He's just not going to tell you." Harry says quietly, but he knows that Zayn had stopped listening to him.

"Whose side are you even on?" Zayn asks after a minute, earning a scoff from Harry as he pulls onto Zayn's street.

"I'm not on anyone's side, I just want what's best for the twins."


Well then.

Kudos to Zayn for finally opening up.

Never thought I would see the day.

Dedication goes to Payne_preference14

QOTC: do you guys think that Harry was right about why Louis left? Did Zayn mean it when he said he'd never get back with Louis?

ALSO. I posted a new Narry called Tabloids, it would mean the world to me if you guys went and checked it out. I really enjoy writing it and I can only hope you guys will like it too...

So the description is below...




Connie xx

Tabloids Description:

"Trust me baby, one day you're going to regret this. You're going to regret every moment, every touch, every memory concerning me. You're going to wake up one day and wonder why the hell you chose to stay instead of running the other direction when you had the chance. You're going to wish you never met me and I won't blame you, because in the end everyone wishes that."

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