forty: no strings attached

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forty: no strings attached

"Why are you sorry? Why are you always sorry? Why can't you just for once, let everything go and just let yourself be happy? Why is it so hard for you to love me?" Zayn asks, his voice coming out desperate and his face a pure mask of confusion and sadness. Louis bites his bottom lip, backing away from Zayn until his back his the front door. He hated this, he hated how every time he saw Zayn it was all these feelings that he himself couldn't act on.

"It's not hard, loving you is the easiest thing I've ever had to do... Getting over you is the hard part." Louis whispers earning a scoff from Zayn as he folds his arms across his chest.

"Getting over me was hard? Please, Louis. You weren't even in love with me in the first place, it wasn't hard for you to get over me. It was probably a walk in the f ucking park for all I know."

"If you're going to be an ass, I'm not going to talk to you. You have no idea how I feel or how I felt about you, you have no right to sit there and tell me how hard or how easy it was for me to get over you. I'm not going to let you make me feel like this was all my fault, like I was the one who never gave a shit. I know that I wasn't exactly the best where our relationship was concerned, but that doesn't mean I didn't love you." Louis says, glaring at Zayn as he yet again lets out another scoff.

"Name one time where you actually tried, one time when you didn't high tail it the other direction the second things got a little too serious. Name one time when you actually wanted to be with me, not because you were forced or felt obligated to be. Name the one time you loved me."

"You're being unfair."

"I just want the truth."

"No, you don't. You want me to tell you what you think is the truth. The only time I ever felt forced to be with you was when we first got together and you know exactly why I felt like that. I had every right to leave you that first time, don't tell me I didn't or sit there and bitch about the fact that I never really loved you because you're right about that. I didn't love you back then, in fact I hated you. I thought you were a conceited ass who only gave a shit about himself. You treated those around you like they were only objects, not people. You acted like I couldn't do this without you, that I couldn't raise the boys on my own. I did just fine until you came back into my life. You just had to come back and tell me how much you had changed, how you wanted your chance to be a father. You had to look at me with those stupid puppy dog eyes and make me feel guilty for what I did. You just f ucking had to tell me that you had feelings for me... that you had always cared. And I believed you, I believed that you had changed and that you were finally ready to be a family... I wanted that. I wanted everything. I wanted to be with you..." Louis trails off, feeling the sudden urge to just burst into tears as he tries his hardest not to. He hated feeling like this, like he everything was his fault when all he wanted was for all of this to go away. He wanted to be with Zayn, he wanted his life to make sense but at this moment it couldn't be more confusing.

"Then be with me. Don't walk out that door and f ucking be with me, Louis." Zayn's voice comes out a little desperate as he looks at Louis sadly. He didn't get why it was so hard for him, he didn't get why he couldn't just for once do what he wanted to do. They both wanted this, so why was it so hard for Louis?

"Zayn, the last thing I want right now is a relationship. I'm... I'm not ready for that and you're supposed to be with Robbie. The both of you are practically made for each other and I know that he makes you happy. I'm... I'm not the one who's supposed to be with you, alright?"

"How would you know? You're never with me long enough."

"I just know, okay? We can't keep doing this, Zayn. You can't keep leaving him for me and I can't keep letting you do it. You need to sort your shit out and figure out what the hell it is you even want because honestly right now I feel like you shouldn't even be with him."

"I know what I want, I want you. I want my family." Zayn says honestly, reaching to grab Louis' hand only to have him shake his head and push Zayn's arm away again.

"Well why the hell are you just saying that now? Jesus Christ, Zayn." Louis says, looking up at the ceiling before he once again shakes his head. He felt like he was talking to a wall, everything he was saying just seemed to bounce off Zayn. Zayn lets out a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose as he tries his hardest to understand why Louis was being like this.

"I told you what I wanted, what more do you want from me?"

"I want you to grow up and stop blaming others for your problems. I want you to accept the fact that you're with Robbie and you're happy about it. I want you to stop telling me that everything was my fault and.... and I want us to be friends because despite all of this... I still want you in my life and I want both of us to be there for the boys. Do... Do you think we can at least do that?" Louis finds himself asking, looking at Zayn once again as the older of the two just stares at him. Their conversation had taken a turn but for once Zayn felt like they actually were getting somewhere. So Zayn finds himself sticking out his hand for Louis' to shake, biting down on his bottom lip before asking the all too familiar question.

"No strings attached, right?"


Alright. That is how I'm ending book number two. I know a lot of you guys were wanting Robbie gone by the end of this book but I have a little more planned for him as a character so I can't exactly end Zobbie yet. I promise you that Zouis does eventually get back together, but let's be real here for a second. If Zouis got back together right now, it would be a complete repeat of the last time and it's just a vicious cycle so that's why they're not together yet haha. So anyways, I hope to have the next book up by tonight but I can't make any promises cause I have to get up early tomorrow morning. If you guys really want the third book up by tonight, I will gladly sacrifice sleep for you... but it just depends on how badly you want it ;)

Also if you guys got like two or three notifications saying Perfect got updated this is the only update I've done, but Wattpad is being stupid and not saying that I have yet. Sometimes when I unpublish the chapter and republish it, the notification gets sent so thats why you guys got several haha

Anyways, dedication goes to ziamislove93

QOTC: how badly do you guys want the third book tonight? lol

Just kidding. How do you guys feel about Louis' reason for them not getting back together? Will Zayn actually take his advice?




Connie xx

Perfect (sequel to Style)(zouis mpreg)(book two)Where stories live. Discover now