thirty-five: the almost breakdown

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thirty-five: the almost breakdown

"Hey guys, I'm gonna run and get some takeout." Harry says, walking into his front living room as he shrugs on his coat. Louis looks up from his spot on the floor next to Quinn and Easton, giving Harry a somewhat panicked look. 

"Why can't we just make something?" Louis asks, standing up from the floor and walking over to Harry. Niall was also in the front room, sitting on the couch with his knees pulled up to his chest. He hadn't said a word since they'd gotten to Harry's place, going directly to the couch and sitting down the second they got there. Harry had tried to get him to say something, but Niall didn't even acknowledge that Harry was talking to him. 

"It's late, Lou. I don't feel like cooking." Harry says honestly, looking over at Niall sadly before kissing Louis' cheek.

"I won't be long, a half hour at most." Harry promises but Louis still feels uneasy about it. He was scared that the second Harry left, Niall was finally going to breakdown. He was like a ticking time bomb, everyone in the house just waiting for him to start screaming and crying. 

"Fine... We'll be here." Louis says quietly, biting his bottom lip as he watches Harry walk out the front door. Louis takes his time going back to the floor, feeling very awkward all of the sudden as it was just himself and Niall now. He couldn't bring himself to look at Niall as he finally returns to the floor, watching the two babies as they rolled around and played with Quinn's baby blocks. The silence in the room was almost suffocating, but Louis didn't want to be the one to break it. He wasn't sure which was worse, being in a room with Zayn and Robbie or being in a room with Niall right after he found out his fiancee was nothing more than a pig. Quinn lets out a rather loud shriek, causing Louis to jump a little before he looks at his daughter. She was pointing an accusing finger at Easton who was now holding one of the blocks that she'd been playing with. 

"Quinn, you gotta share." Louis says quietly, trying to give Quinn a different block but the little girl wasn't going to have it. She reaches for the block that Easton was holding, earning a shriek from the older baby. 

"Easton, you need to share too..." Niall whispers, his voice coming out as a croak as he looks over at his son. Easton looks away from Quinn, his brown eyes widening a little as if he just realized Niall was there. Easton practically throws the block onto the ground before crawling over to Niall, sitting at his feet as he reaches up for him. Niall's bottom lip practically quivers as he refuses to pick up Easton, looking down at the baby as a few tears slip out of his eyes. Niall only cries for a few seconds though, wiping at his eyes as he clears his throat. 

"Where'd Harry go?" Niall asks, his voice still coming out croaky but Louis didn't really blame him. It had been an emotional day and Louis was just glad that Niall was no longer closing off. 

"He went to get some food. He shouldn't be too long..." Louis says quietly, unsure of how stable Niall exactly was right now. 

"Oh... Well I guess that's alright then. I really... I really needed him to run me home." 

"You're staying here." 

"I know, I just wanted to get all of my stuff as soon as possible. I don't know when Liam's coming back and I don't want to ever see him again. So the sooner the better." Niall says in a rush, shrugging a little at the end.

"I don't think you'll be able to tonight..." 

"You don't understand, I need to do it tonight." 

"Niall, it's late. You need to get some rest and next thing tomorrow morning , I'm sure Harry will be more than willing to take you." Louis says, trying to be reassuring but it didn't seem to be working as Niall's eyes start to water again. Louis isn't sure what to do, biting down on his bottom lip as he slowly starts to stand up. He walks over to Niall, reaching out a hand to touch him only to have the younger of the two flinch away completely. 

"Please don't... I..." Niall whispers, hiding his face into his hands Louis nods, understanding that this wasn't exactly easy for Niall right now. It wasn't easy for Louis either, but he couldn't even begin to imagine what it was like for Niall. 

"It's going to be alright Niall..." Louis tries, biting down on his bottom lip as Niall lets out a scoff.

"By all means tell me how in gods name this is going to be alright. I just found out that the father of my son is a rapist. I can't... I can't even look at my son without thinking about what his father did... to you of all people. How the hell is it going to be alright?" Niall asks, his voice coming out bitter as he rubs at his eyes in frustration. Louis doesn't know what to say for a moment, only understanding partially what Niall was going through. 

"Look... It gets easier. I wasn't... I wasn't able to even be in the same room as Quinn for nearly a month. My mother had to stay with me and help take care of her because... because I couldn't look at her either without thinking about what happened. It's hard, but it gets easier. You just need time." Louis finally says, reaching out to touch Niall again but he once again flinches away. Niall stands up from the couch at that point, shaking his head as he walks towards the door and grabs his coat.

"If Harry gets back before I do, tell him I went out for a walk. I need some time alone."


and that is chapter thirty-five, amazing how quickly time has gone by...

Who would've known, right? 

Dedication goes to niallunicorn93

QOTC: what if i told you guys there's going to be a third book? How would you feel about that? 




Connie xx 

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